Enjoy the scene on a Friday late evening at #MontereyCarWeek and check out all the expensive cars!
It's Friday!!🎉 You made it!
Catch up with the best of The Caradise this week, check our math on car selling, read about @Mike_M_Klotz indiscretions and enjoy our preview of #MontereyCarWeek in Pictures!
When is a Porsche not a Porsche? When it’s a 2022 Audi RS e-tron GT - Enlarge / Danish racing driver Tom Kristensen leads another pair of Aud... - https://arstechnica.com/?p=1897523 #batteryelectricvehicle #montereycarweek #volkswagengroup #audirse-trongt #porschetaycan #lagunaseca #porsche #cars #audi
#audi #cars #porsche #lagunaseca #porschetaycan #audirse #volkswagengroup #montereycarweek #batteryelectricvehicle
This car company set new track records to prove its 3D printing tech - Enlarge / The Czinger 21C features tandem seating and a 3.5:1 lift-to-drag rat... - https://arstechnica.com/?p=1887530 #additivemanufacturing #montereycarweek #lasersintering #divergent3d #3dprinting #hypercar #thequail #czinger #cars
#cars #czinger #thequail #hypercar #3dprinting #divergent3d #lasersintering #montereycarweek #additivemanufacturing
Why do car companies build concepts? We ask Audi’s product planner - Enlarge / From left to right, the Skysphere, the Grandsphere, and the U... - https://arstechnica.com/?p=1883205 #audigrandsphere #audiurbansphere #montereycarweek #audipb18e-tron #audiskysphere #conceptcars #conceptcar #thequail #cars #aud
#aud #cars #thequail #conceptcar #conceptcars #audiskysphere #audipb18e #montereycarweek #audiurbansphere #audigrandsphere
Why is a small Swedish automaker a decade ahead of the rest of the industry? - Enlarge / Making a success of the supercar game is not easy, but Christ... - https://arstechnica.com/?p=1882554 #montereycarweek #koenigsegg #hypercar #supercar #thequail #megacar #cars
#cars #megacar #thequail #supercar #hypercar #koenigsegg #montereycarweek
Remember Faraday Future? We rode in its new EV, and it wasn’t great - Enlarge / Back in 2015, Faraday Future looked like it could be a proper... - https://arstechnica.com/?p=1880382 #batteryelectricvehicle #montereycarweek #faradayfuture #cars #ff91
#ff91 #cars #faradayfuture #montereycarweek #batteryelectricvehicle