꧁~LilyCea~꧂ · @alcea
45 followers · 3001 posts · Server pb.todon.de

I love this game sm.
(I finished it ago, but parkour-ing is fun :) )

Hmm.. ....

#god #months #nierautomata #emoji #gamealcea

Last updated 1 year ago

꧁~Cea~꧂ · @alcea
44 followers · 2939 posts · Server pb.todon.de

Ofc it had to be
And later..

The other ones only have a "we are ok with it. Kappa" stamp.

This one ?
Straight up .

(The last time I got was when I uploaded all of Kaitou Jeanne to .. As two 4+ hour videos :Alcea_LolFace: )

It was just an I even removed the ...

#squareenix #months #nier #decimated #amusing #strike #episodes #kamikaze #youtube #fu #copyright #amv #vocals #ramblingsalcea

Last updated 1 year ago

Veera Laukkarinen · @mustikkasoppa
664 followers · 1461 posts · Server mementomori.social

ASL viitotaan "March" marssi-viittomana. Jäin miettimään, että mikä homma, mikä marssi. Osaako joku kertoa?

#march #asl #viittomakieli #signlanguage #marssi #kuukaudet #months #finnish

Last updated 1 year ago

PC · @PChoate
346 followers · 2598 posts · Server mas.to

Did you know that the number 13 is culturally significant because of the moon and the sun?

Early humans created standing stones to mark the solstices and equinoxes, and then they would count the full moons between those four events. They found most years had 12 moons, whereas every third year or so had 13. Unlucky!

#unlucky13 #histodons #history #lunar #moon #standingstones #months #calendar #time

Last updated 1 year ago

e minaccia la sua ex compagna da mesi: arrestato 25enne dominicano

Teramo. Ieri sera, un cittadino della Repubblica Dominicana di 25 anni, da diverso tempo residente a Teramo, è stato arrestato in flagranza di reato, per atti persecutori, dagli agenti dell’Ufficio prevenzione generale e soccorso pubblico della locale questura. L’uomo, ripetutamente denunciato per fatti analoghi, dal primo pomeriggio di ieri fino alle 19 circa, ha seguito
L'articolo e minaccia la sua ex compagna da mesi: arrestato 25enne dominicano sembra essere il primo su AbruzzoLive.

Stalking and threatening his ex-partner for : 25-year-old Dominican arrested

Teramo. Yesterday evening, a 25-year-old citizen of the Dominican Republic, who had been living in Teramo for some time, was arrested in flagrante delicto, for persecutory acts, by agents of the General Prevention and Public Assistance Office of the local police headquarters. The man, repeatedly reported for similar facts, from early yesterday afternoon until around 7 p.m., followed
The article Stalking and threatening his ex-partner for : 25-year-old Dominican man arrested appeared first on AbruzzoLive.

20-5-2023 15:37 abruzzolive.it abruzzolive.it/perseguita-e-mi

#perseguita #months #abruzzolive

Last updated 1 year ago

Usa, in morti 20mila russi in cinque mesi

Altri 80mila sarebbero stati feriti. Metà delle perdite subite dal gruppo . Nel frattempo, gli ucraini si preparavo alla controffensiva e per oggi sono attese novità da , la città da mesi al centro dei combattimenti

US, #20,000 dead in in

,000 were reportedly wounded. of the losses were suffered by the group. In the meantime, the are preparing for a counter-offensive and news is expected from , the city that has been at the centre of the fighting for .

2-5-2023 8:44 editorialedomani.it editorialedomani.it/politica/m

#ucraina #wagner #bakhmut #russians #ukraine #fivemonths #another80 #half #ukrainians #today #months #domani

Last updated 2 years ago

꧁~Marumoko-ExtraFluff-Cea~꧂ · @alcea
29 followers · 2064 posts · Server pb.todon.de

"000WEBHOST.COM reserves the right, in its sole and absolute discretion, to suspend or terminate your Account if you do not log in to your Account least once every six (6) months."

deleted my too after extended inactivity.
has the same

And it is "" , not **

Meaning I can the 1000000x and it helps


The more of such "we lock you out after 6 " things the

#iexpectedthis #tutanota #mail #protonmail #issue #login #connect #access #website #very #little #amazing #ramblingsalcea #months #worse

Last updated 2 years ago

Conor O'Neill · @tpuddle
91 followers · 2404 posts · Server mastodonapp.uk

Even in the tropics, where the seasons aren't so pronounced, you tend to still have a wet season and a dry season. So it would be likely that you'd still have some sort of annual pattern, thus tracked as 'years'.

#time #days #months #years

Last updated 2 years ago

mohansus · @mohansus
191 followers · 114 posts · Server newsie.social
mohansus · @mohansus
191 followers · 103 posts · Server newsie.social

The is following "Murphy's" law. If anything can go wrong, it will go wrong.

Right from the fight to the , from tensions between the and , to the , there are enough "triggers".

So, what will be the "partypooper" in the ahead. My bet is on the going bonkers over the summer.


#globaleconomy #debtceiling #cryptocrash #geopolitical #UnitedStates #China #UkraineWar #months #useconomy

Last updated 2 years ago

papercliff · @papercliff
2779 followers · 505 posts · Server newsie.social


>Of course, these will be available to the general public later this Spring and as a beta preview version later in March 2023.

Please please please, to all / , STOP using in your articles. You have , not just hemispherical, so using seasons to denote time creates friction; readers must deduce which side of equator YOU are, then do arithmetic to resolve time for THEIR equator-side. Use , or .

#foss #journalists #writers #seasons #global #readership #months #quarters

Last updated 2 years ago

Chtimi1 · @chtimi1
4 followers · 59 posts · Server mastodonapp.uk
Tamsin Lewis · @passamezzo
244 followers · 62 posts · Server hcommons.social
ϺΛDИVTTΛH :fosstodon: · @madnuttah
216 followers · 1611 posts · Server fosstodon.org

Somewhere still is , we've been late! This is a picture of after she returned to us. She's lying in our large flower box she used to sleep in the snow when we first adopted her. She was rather sleeping in the snow in that box than being at our neighbors house.

#caturday #Mimiko #months #cat #blackcat #mimi #catsofmastodon

Last updated 2 years ago

Timmy Cat · @TimmyCatChores
10 followers · 35 posts · Server kolektiva.social
Poptheart · @Poptheart
29 followers · 490 posts · Server mastodon.social

“The I know you do, but you all must not come with the me, save for the two you nominated to come with the me, rather keep to our to meet the me in three in our in , and we will take it from there.”
And they to my . And one from among them, and with brimming with , came holding a small of .

#sdtps #promise #months #time #secret #rendezvous #galilee #suffered #accept #words #eyes #tears #amphora #perfumed #ointment #scent #fragrance #aroma #perfume #tibtm155

Last updated 2 years ago

Infrapink (he/his/him) · @Infrapink
91 followers · 931 posts · Server mastodon.ie

In the first , the year began on the day of the 's after the northward (which in is the spring equinox). Since the Romans thought were unlucky, could have 29 or 31 days, but there were only 10 months in the year; after Decembris, there was a long period outside any that the Romans just thought of as "like, , I guess?"

#roman #calendar #moon #firstvisiblecrescent #equinox #rome #evennumbers #months #month #winter

Last updated 2 years ago

ErNandy 🌎 · @ernandy
71 followers · 17 posts · Server mstdn.social