We are going to this native #virginia plant / #gardening sale in a few weeks. It is at #monticello
My husband usually buys so many plants I'm going to buy one of these cute little carts to take with us!
#virginia #gardening #monticello
When your plans to mitigate nuclear waste spills is to separate the ecosystem into two parts...
"Underground wall to be installed at Xcel nuclear plant.
Xcel Energy says it is set to begin construction this weekend on an underground wall meant to impede interaction between river water and groundwater at its Monticello plant."
#Xcel #nuclear #NuclearPower #NuclearWaste #Monticello #Minnesota
#xcel #nuclear #nuclearpower #NuclearWaste #monticello #minnesota
@xankarn @histodons Hey, welcome! My friends have moved on but I can make inquiries. They’ve come a very long way at #Monticello
Windows on the south side of Thomas Jefferson's Monticello. Virginia, USA. June 1976.
Scanned from a 35mm Kodachrome slide. #OldPhotos #Kodachrome #Virginia #Monticello #FensterFreitag #WindowFriday
#windowfriday #Fensterfreitag #monticello #virginia #kodachrome #oldphotos
The naturalization ceremony at #Monticello on the Fourth of July is the highlight of the year. Fifty-four new citizens from 28 countries took the oath. The woman who wore a firefighter's helmet during the ceremony (she's a volunteer firefighter) was a star. So, too, the woman from the Philippines who said, "Immigrants, we get the job done. I'm not going to miss my shot!"
RT @AMBERAlert: #Monticello #Kentucky #AMBERAlert. For most current information, go to https://t.co/ZafXniia6z
#monticello #kentucky #amberalert
#Virginia - Bunnelby is looking mighty curious at some kale growing in the vegetable garden at #Monticello
#virginia #monticello #teaminstinctboston #pokemongo #pokemonsnap #worldchampion
"Leaks from #Minnesota nuclear power plant raise safety fears across US
Leaks were contained and posed no danger, official reports say, but past disasters continue to cause fears of power source.
In December, Janica Jammes started a microgreens business just across the river from #Xcel Energy’s #NuclearWaste plant in #Monticello.
At least once each day, she uses water from her well to nourish the plant trays. She delivers her product to customers within a 10-mile radius and says the business has been a success.
But now she worries that her water could be contaminated by a leak of about 400,000 gallons of radioactive water that occurred in November at the plant, which is about 40 miles north-west of #Minneapolis.
Moreover, Jammes is upset that the company did not alert the public about the leak until March – and then detected a second leak, which the company described as smaller than the first one."
#minnesota #xcel #NuclearWaste #monticello #minneapolis #nuclearpower #Tritium
"Monticello nuclear plant radioactive leak: A timeline"
"Late last year, a leak of hundreds of thousands of gallons of contaminated water was discovered at #Xcel Energy's #Monticello Nuclear Generating Plant.
There was a monthslong delay in announcing the initial leak to the public, raising questions about public safety and transparency.
Then, a second leak meant the plant had to power down. And now, Xcel Energy says the leak is fixed and the plant will reopen soon.
A lot has happened between the leak and the plant's planned reopening, including a fish kill in the Mississippi River.
Here's a timeline of events:"
#Minnesota #nuclear #NuclearPower @sts
#xcel #monticello #minnesota #nuclear #nuclearpower
Xcel Energy to temporarily shut down #Monticello nuclear plant after two radioactive water leaks; company says no threat to public
March 24, 2023
"On Wednesday, the plant's monitoring equipment detected hundreds of gallons worth of radioactive water since the crews made temporary repairs, and that it had reached #groundwater. Officials say the contaminated water, containing the radioactive isotope #tritium, has not yet reached the #MississippiRiver, which runs next to the plant.
"When the leak was first detected back in November, Xcel used a catchment and a pumping strategy to recovered the water containing tritium. They say they've recovered about 30% of that water so far. But over the past couple days, some of that radioactive water was spilling over the catchment, creating a new leak."
#Minnesota #XcelEnergy #Monticello #NoNukes #NoMoreNukes #RethinkNotRestart #NoDumping #Fukushima
#monticello #groundwater #tritium #mississippiriver #minnesota #xcelenergy #nonukes #nomorenukes #rethinknotrestart #nodumping #fukushima
March 17, 2023: #Minnesota #Nuclear power plant leaks 400,000 gallons of radioactive water
While Xcel Energy reported the leak of water containing tritium to state and federal authorities in late November, the spill had not been made public before Thursday.
"When asked why Xcel Energy didn’t notify the public earlier, the company said: “We understand the importance of quickly informing the communities we serve if a situation poses an immediate threat to health and safety. In this case, there was no such threat.” The company said it focused on investigating the situation, containing the affected water and figuring out next steps."
#Minnesota #XcelEnergy #Monticello #NoNukes #NoMoreNukes #RethinkNotRestart
#minnesota #nuclear #xcelenergy #monticello #nonukes #nomorenukes #rethinknotrestart
Xcel Energy is holding a press conference announcing the temporary shutdown of the #Monticello #nuclear power plant to fix a #tritium leak. Xcel’s Chris Clark says there is no threat to groundwater in the area and he also doesn’t anticipate any impact on electric service.
“The new leak, announced a day after Xcel Energy says it was discovered, was found to be coming from a temporary fix to the original leak, the company said in a statement.
#monticello #nuclear #tritium #xcelenergy #monticellonuclearplant #lockhartvmedia
Xcel Energy is holding a press conference announcing the temporary shutdown of the #Monticello #nuclear power plant to fix a #tritium leak. Xcel’s Chris Clark says there is no threat to groundwater in the area and he also doesn’t anticipate any impact on electric service. #wcco
#monticello #nuclear #tritium #wcco #breakingnews
W elektrowni jądrowej Monticello 🇺🇸 doszło do wycieku wody zawierającej radioaktywny tryt.
Wyciekło około 400 000 galonów (1,5 mln litrów) z niewielkiej rury łączącej dwa budynki elektrowni, jednak nie wyszło poza teren obiektu. Brak zagrożenia dla ludności cywilnej.
#elektrowniajadrowa #monticello #tryt
#AYearForArt #ArtMatters #mastodonart #fedigiftshop #mastoart #fediart #BuyIntoArt #photography #photograph #TheArtDistrict #artbooster #artcollector #art4mom #MastoPhotography #travelphotography #Virgin
#ayearforart #artmatters #mastodonart #fedigiftshop #mastoart #fediart #BuyIntoArt #photography #photograph #theartdistrict #artbooster #artcollector #art4mom #mastophotography #travelphotography #virgin #normabrandsberg #virginia #thomassjefferson #lynchburg #monticello
Aus dem US #AKW #Monticello bei #Minneapolis sind im November 2022 1,5 Millionen Liter radioaktiv verseuchtes Wasser ausgetreten. Bekannt gemacht wurde der Vorfall erst jetzt. #Atomkraftwerk
#atomkraftwerk #minneapolis #monticello #akw
A branch of my family has been doing bi-weekly #zoomCookingChallenge for nearly 3 years now. This week’s theme was to cook “something a (pre-Civil War) U.S. President would eat. We made a #peaSoup recipe from #MountVernon and a macaroni and #cheese recipe from #Monticello and they were both very, very bland. In addition, the #MacAndCheese did not combine the cheese before baking, so instead of creamy, it was just clumpy and greasy. Everyone prefers my recipe. Take that, Thomas #Jefferson.
#zoomcookingchallenge #peasoup #mountvernon #cheese #monticello #macandcheese #jefferson
I chose to shoot this on 35mm #film because I wanted to evoke a gritty, declining feel to this BEAUTIFUL shot of small town of #monticello #minnesota which is dying from big box stores killing their mainstreet.
I think we should all take time to consider if we really need to have our 'things' right away. Support local businesses by only buying what they have in store. I live by, "if they don't have it, you probably didn't need it".
#film #monticello #minnesota #professional #landscape #photography #mnastodon
@hchorey @steven I still want the fossilized mastodon tooth from Monticello #Charlottesville #Cville #Mastodon #Fossil #Jefferson #Monticello Can’t seem to edit Alt Text, so it’s an image of a fossilized mastodon tooth in the fossil collection at Thomas Jefferson’s Monticello
#charlottesville #cville #mastodon #fossil #jefferson #monticello
Lines and angles at #Monticello summer 2021 #ArtAdventCalendar
#artadventcalendar #monticello