Last pic of Comic Con, a performance of idols.
Stuff I got today. Will be going to #MontrealComicCon this weekend.
#asexual #pins
#pins #asexual #montrealcomiccon
Actually, here's an updated list of my con appearances this year, I forgot some of them in my last post:
July 14-16 @ Montreal ComicCon (MTL, QC)
July 28-30 @ Maple Gel Con (Toronto, ON)
August 11-13 @ Otakuthon (MTL, QC)
September 17-18 @ Animaracon (Sherbrooke, QC)
October 7-8 @ Quebec ComicCon (Quebec City, QC)
And then probably another one I forgot, what even is con season?
#MapleGelCon #Otakuthon #AnimaraCon #MontrealComicCon #QuebecComicCon
#maplegelcon #otakuthon #animaracon #montrealcomiccon #quebeccomiccon