The Montreal Protocol, an international treaty that phased out ozone-depleting substances, has also helped delay the loss of Arctic sea ice by decades. A new study shows that without the protocol, the Arctic would have lost almost all its summer sea ice by 2023. The study highlights the benefits of global cooperation and the need for more action to protect the climate.
#MontrealProtocol #Arctic #SeaIce
#montrealprotocol #arctic #seaice
"Here, analyzing new climate model simulations, we demonstrate that the Montreal Protocol, designed to protect the ozone layer, is delaying the first appearance of an ice-free Arctic summer, by up to 15 y, depending on future emissions. We also show that this important climate mitigation stems entirely from the reduced greenhouse gas warming from the regulated ODSs, with the avoided stratospheric ozone losses playing no role."
@markdennehy @gvwilson wasn't CFC a lot more carrot than stick? #MontrealProtocol an example of global cooperation
De #ozonlaag herstelt zich, dankzij het verbod op #cfk’s
Atmosfeer: Boven Nederland kan de ozonlaag al in 2040 terug zijn op het niveau van 1980 – het jaar dat het ozongat werd ontdekt. Het terugdringen van schadelijke drijfgassen heeft effect.
#ozonlaag #cfk #montrealprotocol
With good news on Ozone Layer recovery today, worth noting that politicians, industry and scientists work(ed) together on this.
Note that the scientists are 'on tap'; not 'on top' as some would have you believe.
Multiple meetings were and continue to be needed to address evolving state of ozone layer and measures to address.
Brilliant lecture by Dr Paul Newman on the evolution of the Montreal Protocol and supporting science:
#ozone #montrealprotocol #regulation
2. A UN assessment found that the #ozone layer is on track to fully recover by 2066, due to the success of the 1987 #MontrealProtocol, which regulates the production and consumption of “ozone-depleting substances.”
#ozone #montrealprotocol #News #todaysnews #thenewpaper
@jgkoomey @jtemple this prompted me to learn more about the international legal situation wrt atmospheric pollution (Montreal, UNFCCC, and beyond). Governance is complex, but the unilateral private release of SRM chemicals is about as irresponsible as continued Govt funding of fossil fuel exploration & production #SRM #MontrealProtocol #UNFCCC #climatechange
#SRM #montrealprotocol #unfccc #climatechange
@tuxom Actually the #MontrealProtocol was a major success. It had nothing to do with #ClimateChange though.
#climatechange #montrealprotocol