#MontyPhyton lässt grüßen:
> Diese Aktionen haben unterschiedliche Ausprägungen, verschiedene Beteiligungsmöglichkeiten und werden von unterschiedlichen Gruppen gestaltet und getragen. Sichtbar werden der Zusammenschluss und unsere geteilte Forderung und Erzählung in Form gemeinsam genutzter Slogans, Logos, Hashtags und einer Website, die im Rahmen der Öffentlichkeitsarbeit von Aktionen verwendet werden.
Na dann haben wir ja schon fast gewonnen ..
Nach religiösen Protesten wurde in #Polen eine Buslinie geändert:
Die 666 fährt jetzt nicht mehr nach Hel.
#montyphyton lässt grüßen.
#realsatire #religionsucks #leidernichtderpostillon
#highwaytohell #leidernichtderpostillon #religionsucks #realsatire #montyphyton #polen
#TIL: Das Killer-Kaninchen von den Monty Phyton ist schon Jahrhunderte alt.
Siehe etwa das Heege Manuscript aus dem 15ten Jahrhundert:
"Jack Wade was never so sad / As when the hare trod on his head / In case she would have ripped out his throat."
Dr Wade says: "Killer rabbit jokes have a long tradition in medieval literature. Chaucer did this a century earlier in the Canterbury Tales."
#Humor #BritischerHumor #MontyPhyton #Mittelalter #HeegeManuscript
#til #humor #britischerhumor #montyphyton #mittelalter #heegemanuscript
A twink with red hair distributing straw hats is no basis for a system of pirate government #crossover #onepiece #montyphyton
#crossover #onepiece #montyphyton
Quattro film su Pasqua e dintorni.
#buonapasqua #jesuschristsuperstar #montypythonslifeofbrian #briandinazareth #lultimatentazionedicristo #thelasttemptationofchrist #lapassionedicristo #thepassionofthechrist #cinema #film #movie #moviescenes #filmphotography #filmcommunity #filmphoto #4film #happyeaster #montyphyton #martinscorsese #melgibson
#buonapasqua #jesuschristsuperstar #montypythonslifeofbrian #BriandiNazareth #lultimatentazionedicristo #thelasttemptationofchrist #lapassionedicristo #thepassionofthechrist #cinema #film #movie #moviescenes #filmphotography #filmcommunity #filmphoto #4film #happyeaster #montyphyton #martinscorsese #melgibson
That make sense :-) #health #montyphyton
@eharlitzkern @histodons @antiquidons +1 for the mom’s ‘he’s a naughty boy’ scene often referenced by my Dad, demi-archaeologist. #montyphyton #lifeofbrian
Whistler's Mother,
this rendition is courtesy of Mr. Bean😆
(From "Bean the Movie")
#philosophy #sciencehumor #politicalhumor #sarcasm #MrBean #montyphyton #blackadder #tintin #TwitterMigration
#twittermigration #tintin #blackadder #montyphyton #MrBean #sarcasm #politicalhumor #sciencehumor #philosophy
🌈 🌠 Did you know?
Life of Brian, the movie from #MontyPhyton, originally had a scene of a #Nazi-Jew named Otto.
It didn't make it to the final cut, and some of the Monty Phyton members actually regret it, since it's now pretty relevant to what's happening in #Palestine. #cineMastodon https://www.jpost.com/Diaspora/Antisemitism/Monty-Pythons-Terry-Jones-cut-a-Nazi-Jew-scene-from-Life-of-Brian-615038
#cinemastodon #palestine #nazi #montyphyton
Brazil (🇬🇧 1985), di Terry Gilliam.
Capolavoro distopico dal genio del visual artist dei #MontyPhyton; in una #distopia a metà tra #Huxley e #Orwell, il protagonista si scopre - suo malgrado - nel mezzo di una sotterranea ribellione... o no?
Download ITA🇮🇹/ENG🇬🇧 (subITA - subENG) + 🎬 BONUS #Documentary : https://send-anywhere.com/web/downloads/LZ4ENVCH (link lasts 2 days) #cineMastodon
#montyphyton #distopia #huxley #orwell #documentary #cinemastodon