Grr #Monzo, again, accepting DD instructions when I have told them not to, so getting a fraudulent payment refunded.
But they are victim blaming, saying that in order to set up a DD someone has to know the sort code and account, and that I should be careful giving it out!!!
1. They don't - they can make up an account - the check digit is simple.
2. We have to give details for people to pay us - D'uh!!!
Why are all banks a pain?!
At least I am am entitled to an immediate refund so no loss.
Apparently #Monzo refused to open account for Jeremy Hunt because he is a Politically Exposed Person (PEP). The inference being that they shouldn’t have refused on ‘political’ grounds.
[sigh] this has nothing to do with politics, it’s about staying clear of potential government fraud and corruption.
I agree with Monzo. Hunt is pretty much _exactly_ what PEP is there for and I am not surprised a consumer bank didn’t want the hassle that comes with dealing with PEPs.
Anyone else having issues with splitting purchases between people using #Monzo at moment - mine is doubling up on recepients :(
Monzo email me promoting a new product.
In same email Monzo states "they wont email me marketing material"...
If it's a product you want me to use, it's marketing...
@donkey @JonathanMosen @explorergrace I came across a platform called #Debut. Since November last year, they changed tack, and are building New Zealand’s first digital bank, similar to #Monzo, #UpBank #Revolut. I’ve submitted several ideas to the team, including getting onto #Mastodon.
#debut #monzo #upbank #Revolut #mastodon
Hello friends! Just moved over. Let’s do an #introduction. (1/2)
I am Joel (he/him).
I grew up in 90’s Essex on a rich diet of tree climbing, second-hand Commodore VIC 20 cassettes, last-gen Sega games, and then, suddenly, hypertext: a creative medium that made my brain fizz.
I don’t remember much of the 2000s. I hope the machines also have the good grace to forget.
I spent the 2010s leading at tech startups in London (helping scale #monzo was a highlight).
Today the #founders of #Debut #Bank, a next-gen bank for New Zealand similar to #Revolut and #Monzo in the UK, have asked me to speak about banking in New Zealand from a Blind person’s perspective. Our big four banks are Aussie owned wraking in big profits, so Debut wants to do what #2Degrees #Mobile did to the #Vodafone #Telecom duopoly. This is a chance to have your say in building something by Kiwis for Kiwis, and the waitlist for when the app launch is open. #Finance
#Founders #debut #bank #Revolut #monzo #2degrees #mobile #vodafone #telecom #finance
I've just discovered that you can't withdraw cash at the Post Office using a Monzo card
#postoffice #monzo #cash #21stcenturyproblems
Ohhh so #Monzo is officially open to the US now?!?! I always hear great things about it.
#Enterprise car club is refusing me as a customer because I bank with #monzo
No joke, they explained this in an email after I asked them to explain why I was declined.
I can't hire cars because I bank with Monzo?
Apparently a change by the underwriter means that "Applicants with challenger bank cards are being vetted mush more strictly."
Now it’s time for the #Kubernetes #london Meetup for some and at #monzo office.
The popular Trends feature from #Monzo UK is in beta for some Monzo US customers. The #neobank will be rolling the feature out to everyone after sufficient testing and feedback. The feature will only include your Monzo balance at launch, but the team is working to include connected accounts in the calculation as well.
#Neobank #Monzo US will be testing joint accounts in beta soon.
#consumerfinance #personalfinance #banking #fintech #monzo #neobank
"How we do on-call at Monzo":
Just finished setting up #monzo with their new official current accounts. Unfortunately, there is not IBAN? No abroad transfers.... ?!