#moodle hat Bulk-Bearbeitung für Aktivitätsabschlüsse!
Interesting Question Bank Filtering feature due in Moodle 4.3.
Under development by my colleague Mark Johnson at Catalyst EU. I had admired Catalyst for well over 10 years before I joined and feel very fortunate to be working with such creative and talented people.
If you have a moodle issue and you want to know if it is something with your setup or if it is Moodle itself, you can test against a vanilla “no plugins” Moodle at
At the moment it offers Moodle versions 4.2, 4.1 and 3.11
You can login with various levels of access such as teacher, manager and student.
From P475
"Dispiritingly and despite the intensive reliance on technology for education
during the COVID-19 pandemic, there remain, in many countries, no public
content options for public education on the internet."
Moodlenet is gaining additional interesting features in the soon to be released Moodle 4.3 so I hope it will start to help address some of these issues.
#moodle #moodlenet #edtech #education #edtechtradgedy
Moodle 4.3 Testing started today
I have spent an hour of my first day back faffing about with the annual "why the feck isnt #eduroam working on my phone?" while laptop connects automatically and without problem. If i am accessing #moodle during class i tend to use my phone as it takes up less desk space as i also have my #LiveScribe pen and paper out etc. I literally changed random settings until it worked because the setup advice online didnt work.
An Ed-Tech Tragedy?
I have moved on from "This is good", to this is essential reading for anyone interested in this area.
It is not an article, or blog post it is a freely downloadable pdf of a 664 page book. It significantly addresses the issue of of ed-tech solutionism. Still reading it...
Ja, so langsam wird es.
So könnte ich mir vorstellen, dass Kollegen #Moodle gut finden und sich auf gemeinsame #Moodlekurse einlassen.
Fehlt für die Schüler noch etwas mehr Interaktivität und Übungen, etwa #H5P, #Tests oder #Lernlandkarten. ...
#lernlandkarten #tests #h5p #moodlekurse #moodle
#moodle Da es bereits Lebkuchen zu kaufen gibt - bald ist Dezember und Traditionen sind wichtig:
Gebucht ✅ Bevor es im Alltag unter geht. (Anmeldefrist 2.12.) 😎
@margomius Dein Featurewunsch ist jetzt integriert und kommt mit #Moodle 4.3 (Ende Oktober).
@klimadashboard Macht auf den ersten Blick einen guten Eindruck!
Da die Grafiken via iFrame z.B. auch in #Moodle übernommen werden können - evtl. etwas für #fediLZ
Over the last few months, we at Moodle HQ have been monitoring the development of new legislation in the European Union that has the potential to negatively impact open source software, its users, the people who contribute to its development and our community of educators and learners globally.
#cyberresilienceact #opensource #moodle
Das neue Schuljahr ist da und #Moodle und #mebis sehen plötzlich anders aus? Für schnelle Hilfe solltest du heute (07.09.23) bei dem #MoodleMeeting von @rettiwtaccount und der #Moodlebande um 20:00 Uhr auf https://meeting.gaz-reichelsheim-lernplattform.de/rooms/n8n-25g-lmz-ip0/join vorbei schauen… 😊 Viel Spaß #FediLZ!
#moodle #mebis #MoodleMeeting #moodlebande #FediLZ
Im Rahmen einer schulinternen Fortbildung habe ich das VERTONEN VON STUMMEN VIDEOS mit der Datenbankvorlage von @floriandagner in einem #moodle - Kurs ganz ausführlich und auch mit Hilfe eines Erklärvideos dargestellt. Der Kurs kann für eigene Zwecke heruntergeladen und (natürlich auch verändert) genutzt werden: https://selbstlernmaterial-moodle.de/course/view.php?id=120 #moodlebande
Microsoft #Teams doesn't have an archive mode, which makes it extremely ill-suited for use in HE. When the new term for Introduction to Underwater Basket Weaving 101 starts, things that are not meaningful to the new term, like student uploads, are trashed. Nobody retains access to those resources.
A certain amount of access to resources will always be ephemeral. Student's library cards expire on graduation and paper handouts always tended to be destined for the recycle bin. But this is next level. I still own many of the books assigned in my undergrad and have a lot of the handouts from Sonology and still sometimes re-read them.
If students have mostly stopped taking notes and their handouts systemically vanish, what do they have left after graduation but memories and friend networks? Personally, my memory is crap without reminders, like text.
Some argue that the friend networks were always the important part of undergraduate education, but if that's true why not just make it a social club? We're undermining our own value by making our resources so disposable that they automatically erase themselves.
Other platforms, like Big Blue Button are actually designed for education. A properly designed collaboration space would be integrated with #Moodle.
Heute die Aussage gehört, dass gerade für Grundschulen #Moodle nicht geeignet sei, weil zu kompliziert. Gibt es hier Grundschulen, die das genauso bzw. anders sehen?
Customise the moodle question bank
There is code awaiting integration to allow users to customise their view of the question bank. This includes re-ordering, removing and resizing the columns. The work is being done by my colleague Mark Johnson of Catalyst EU and I am hoping it gets into the upcoming release of Moodle 4.3
Read about it here
#moodle #edtech #Quizzing #education
I regularly update the Moodle VSCode IDE documentation page
VSCode is excellent “out of the box”, but with the additional plugins mentioned there it will format code, report on code standards violations and help in many other ways.
#moodle #edtech #education #vscode
#Logineo #Moodle #Moodlebande #EduNRW #FediLZ
Helft mir mal grad:
Wenn ich Inhalt von learningapps.org als SCORM hinzufüge, wie stelle ich da ein, dass die Antworten nicht mehr geändert werden können, nachdem User auf "Kontrolle" gedrückt haben? (ich möchte es als Test nutzen, aber wenn die falschen und richtigen Antworten angezeigt werden, ist es ja witzlos)
#Logineo #moodle #moodlebande #edunrw #FediLZ
Gapfill Question Tutorial
An excellent 13 minute tutorial on the Moodle Gapfill question type that describes the features and benefits in a clear and concise way.
It is deeply flattering that someone else would create a tutorial about a plugin I have created. Plus I could listen to that accent all day.
You can install the Moodle Gapfill question type from here
#moodle #edtech #education #quiz #Quizzing