Let's Talk About Synth Solos!
Which synths? A rare Polivoks clone? What are Cowboy solos?
Includes demo clips from the recent live show w/ @alisynthesis
@synths @PaulDavisTheFirst - More show clips in this one, thanks for asking!
#solos #analog #synthesizer #moog #moogsub37 #polivoks #infradeep #pvx800 #musicalfreedom #liveperformance #synthsolo #keyboardist #fedimusic
#solos #analog #synthesizer #moog #moogsub37 #polivoks #infradeep #pvx800 #musicalfreedom #liveperformance #synthsolo #keyboardist #fedimusic
As promised, a video where I discuss going DAW-less at the cabin studio...
Next I'll dive into some of the specific new (to me) gear... especially the CS-30, MKS-30, Hapax,and more!
@alisynthesis @Jyoti @bd @synths
#dawless #analog #synthesizer #moog #moogsub37 #studiorebuild #musicalfreedom #cabinstudio #livecomposition #keyboardist #letsmakemusic
#dawless #analog #synthesizer #moog #moogsub37 #studiorebuild #musicalfreedom #cabinstudio #livecomposition #keyboardist #letsmakemusic