: "‘What are you?’ asked the small creature. ‘I’m a moomintroll,’ answered , who had got his courage back."

The is one of the most famous exports of . This is the in .

Shot by my girlfriend with .

#2022bystills #moomintroll #moomins #finland #moominmuseum #tampere #sonyxperia1iii #LifeByStills #travelbystills #photography #travelphotography #travel #traveldestination #sony #sonyxperia

Last updated 2 years ago

Howard Cheng · @LifeByStills
81 followers · 331 posts · Server mastodon.art

: "‘What are you?’ asked the small creature. ‘I’m a moomintroll,’ answered , who had got his courage back."

The is one of the most famous exports of . This is the in .

Shot by my girlfriend with .

#sonyxperia #sony #traveldestination #travel #travelphotography #photography #travelbystills #LifeByStills #SonyXperia1III #tampere #moominmuseum #finland #moomins #moomintroll #2022bystills

Last updated 2 years ago