Anmeldefrist endet am 31.05.2023!
MPIfR: MoonBounce – Eine Reise zum Mond und zurück
Im Wissenschaftsjahr 2023 – „Unser Universum“ schicken Schulkinder Signale zum Mond und zurück zur Erde. Eine Pressemeldung des Max-Planck-Instituts für Radioastronomie, Bonn. (sg) #MPfR #moonbounce
LoRa Goes To The Moon #Earth-Moon-Earth #longdistance #RadioHacks #moonbounce #pathloss #SDRAngel #HackRF #radio #LoRa #EME #sdr
#earth #longdistance #RadioHacks #moonbounce #pathloss #sdrangel #hackrf #radio #lora #eme #sdr
LoRa Goes To The Moon - LoRa is a communications method that allows for long range radio contacts to be ma... - #earth-moon-earth #longdistance #radiohacks #moonbounce #pathloss #sdrangel #hackrf #radio #lora #eme #sdr
#sdr #eme #lora #radio #hackrf #sdrangel #pathloss #moonbounce #radiohacks #longdistance #earth
Recently, tens of #amsat ops made their 1st #moonbounce QSO. The thrill of #EME with a biggun creates an illusion of similarity to other modes. EME is different. How small a station you can hear? This thread elaborates on accurate predictions. No magic, only Physics! #hamradio
#hamradio #eme #moonbounce #amsat
If you work via #GreenCube, try #EME with big guns. I promise, you will be amazed! As a proof of concept, I made a quick #moonbounce QSO with DL7APV with just a Yaesu FT-818, 40W, 1dB NF LNA and 15 el Diamond antenna held by hand! Easy QSO. Read on🧵
#amsat #io117 #hamradio #hamr
#hamr #hamradio #io117 #amsat #moonbounce #eme #greencube
@kkremitzki @jmons I have friends who play with #EME / #moonbounce on 6m pretty regularly. The antenna arrays are ridiculous. #HamRadio
During the #EME #moonbounce contest this weekend I had an AIRSPY R2 (with an external 10 MHz reference) streaming to MAP65. Rate conversion from 2.5 MSPS to 96 KSPS was done in a simple GNU Radio graph.
More info here:
Le malware MoonBounce persiste après un formatage du disque ! #MoonBounce #Sécurité #Malware
#malware #sécurité #moonbounce
#TowerTuesday #hamradio #amateurradio #cbradio #27mc #SWL #DX #hamr
Because of QRM and blocking, I dismantled my 70cm EME / tropo station. The good news is that the antennae, stackingframe/harnas, preamp, coaxrelay and elevationrotator already are sold to other stations.
#hamradio #QRT #antenna #70cm #UHF #EME #moonbounce #sold #QRM
#qrm #sold #moonbounce #eme #uhf #70cm #antenna #QRT #hamr #dx #swl #27mc #cbradio #amateurradio #hamradio #towertuesday