TheOnion: Justin Fields Praises Receivers For Running Routes Despite No Intention To Ever Throw Ball #equanimeousstbrown #chaseclaypool #justinfields #widereceiver #sports #mooney
#equanimeousstbrown #chaseclaypool #justinfields #widereceiver #sports #mooney
@theUnrequited #EDVY, of course. Flugtag! Should only be an hour from #EDRY or #EDRF in a #Mooney.
Bit of dodging some clouds on the way back from dad’s for the weekend. (KARV)
Lots of boats on the lakes we overflew, wonder why? ;)
Also looks like a good number of gliders out at KHXF.
#FlyAOPA #Flying #Aviation #CFILife #AVGeek #Airplanes #AviationPhotography #Pilot #FlightInstructor #Mooney #PilotsOfMastadon
#flyaopa #flying #aviation #cfilife #avgeek #airplanes #aviationphotography #pilot #flightInstructor #mooney #pilotsofmastadon
On This Day 10th June 1996.
G-OJAC, Mooney M20J 201, on final approach to Runway 24 at Manchester Airport, 10th June 1996.
#Manchester #MAN #EGCC #Runway24 #AirportHotel #Mooney #M20
#avgeek #aviaton #planespotting #photography
#manchester #man #egcc #runway24 #airporthotel #mooney #m20 #avgeek #aviaton #planespotting #photography
Another day and yet another Nat embarrasses his party. This time it's National's Southland MP Joseph Mooney who seems quite keen to re-litigate parts of the Treaty.
He's been widely criticised for his "limited understanding' of the Treaty. Unsurprisingly, Mooney is National's "spokesperson for Treaty Negotiations".
#nzpol #national #mooney #dipstick #nationalnotfittogovern
Bonus Photo of the Day 17th April 2023.
G-BJHB, Mooney M20J-201, on final approach to the active runway at North Weald, prior to Fighter Meet air show, 17th May 1992.
#NorthWeald #EGSX #FighterMeet #airshow #Mooney #M20
#avgeek #aviation #planespotting #photography
#northweald #egsx #fightermeet #airshow #mooney #m20 #avgeek #aviation #planespotting #photography
🚨⚠️ Flight #DEOWS (#Mooney #M20P) is squawking emergency (7700)! ✈️
Track the flight here:
#deows #mooney #m20p #aviation #adsb #emergency
The Mooney and the Moon.
This happens to be a Mooney M20D aircraft passing in front of the Moon! Taken while testing some gear yesterday afternoon from my property in central Texas.
I actually tracked down the owner/pilot and sent him this image, who thinks it's "bad ass"!
#moon #themoon #astronomy #astrophotography #aviation #aircraft #flying #flight #mooney #mooneyaircraft #sky
#moon #themoon #astronomy #astrophotography #aviation #aircraft #flying #flight #mooney #mooneyaircraft #sky
FAA confirms that a single-engine #Mooney M20J airplane hit power lines near Montgomery County Airport in MD. #Gaithersburg - Left White Plains, NY earlier. NTSB will investigate. #N201RF
Huge number of power outages related to the #Mooney #Gaithersburg #crash
Episode 283 : Corvus Mooney #sewerchat #podcast #mooney
Bonus Photo of the Day 2020-04-27.
G-BUYR, Mooney M20C Ranger, at Manchester Barton, some time in the 1990s.
#avgeek #planespotting #potd #manchester #barton #egcb #mooney #m20 #ranger
#ranger #m20 #mooney #egcb #barton #manchester #potd #planespotting #avgeek