🔊 #NowPlaying on KEXP's #WoPop
Moonlight Benjamin:
🎵 Limye
#nowplaying #WoPop #moonlightbenjamin
🔊 #NowPlaying on BBCRadio3's #MusicPlanet
Moonlight Benjamin:
🎵 Wayo
#nowplaying #MusicPlanet #moonlightbenjamin
We actually hit 12K views in 12 hours but I missed the screen shot. The second episode of @NPR #TinyDesk meets @globalFEST premieres tonight in the US East Coast at 8pm, or tomorrow at 5am in the UAE, and features music of the Americas: #Cuba’s #SeptetoSantiaguero, #Brazil’s #BiaFerreira, and #Haiti’s (via France) #MoonlightBenjamin. Hosted by #AngeliqueKidjo. Set a reminder and watch it later on #youtube here. https://youtu.be/sT3GWRw39o8
#tinydesk #cuba #septetosantiaguero #brazil #biaferreira #haiti #moonlightbenjamin #angeliquekidjo #youtube #worldmusic #musodon #rara #son #mpb
And we’re not done yet!
@NPR #TinyDesk meets @globalFEST . Next week https://www.nprpresents.org/tinydeskglobalfest2023
#DakhDaughters #ukraine
#bnat_elhouariyat #Morocco
#CuiJian #China
#SeptetosSantiaguero #cuba
#BiaFerreira #Brazil
#MoonlightBenjamin #Haiti
#taraf_de_caliu #Romania
#nouramintseymali #Mauritania
#justinandmauro #JustinAdams #MauroDurante #UK #Italy
Hosted by #AngeliqueKidjo #Benin
#globalfest #worldmusic #virtualconcerts #online #TinyDeskConcerts
#tinydesk #dakhdaughters #ukraine #bnat_elhouariyat #Morocco #cuijian #china #septetossantiaguero #cuba #biaferreira #brazil #moonlightbenjamin #haiti #taraf_de_caliu #romania #nouramintseymali #Mauritania #justinandmauro #justinadams #maurodurante #uk #italy #angeliquekidjo #benin #globalfest #worldmusic #virtualconcerts #online #tinydeskconcerts
🔊 #NowPlaying on #KEXP's #WoPop
Arnaud Dolmen feat. Moonlight Benjamin:
🎵 Ajistèman (w Moonlight Benjamin)
#nowplaying #kexp #WoPop #arnauddolmen #moonlightbenjamin
Here’s a short #playlist of #music from Jan 15 @globalFEST at #LincolnCenter featuring the sounds of:
#DengueFever, #SonRompePera, #Tamikrest, #JustinAdams & #MauroDurante, #TheLegendaryIngramettes, #MeridianBrothers, #MariaJoseLlergo, #MoonlightBenjamin, and (not performing but our host for @NPR #TinyDesk meets #globalFEST — #AngeliqueKidjo)
#playlist #music #lincolncenter #denguefever #sonrompepera #tamikrest #justinadams #maurodurante #thelegendaryingramettes #meridianbrothers #mariajosellergo #moonlightbenjamin #tinydesk #globalfest #angeliquekidjo #worldmusic #musodon #festivals
Another #globalFEST preview (and now @globalFEST is on here):
#Haitian #vodou #rock powerhouse #MoonlightBenjamin. Fans of #RAM, #BoukmanEksperyans, #LedZeppelin and #MdouMoctar will be happy.
#globalfest #haitian #vodou #rock #moonlightbenjamin #ram #boukmaneksperyans #ledzeppelin #mdoumoctar
Grand Soufflet 2021 : musiques du monde, nous voilà ! http://alter1fo.com/grand-soufflet-2021-musiques-du-monde-nous-voila-131507 #lorchestreducaravansérail #radiotutti&barillasisters #festivaldugrandsoufflet #grandsoufflet2021 #moonlightbenjamin #khaledaljaramani #lespiedsdanslbal #benherbertlarue #cumbiachicharra #lestêtesraides #projetschinéar #tascabilissimo #belairdeforró #orangeblossom #hélènelegros #piersfacini #sahrahalgan #yvesjamait #actualité #festivals #lagapette #n3rdistan #al-qasar
#al #n3rdistan #lagapette #festivals #actualité #yvesjamait #sahrahalgan #piersfacini #hélènelegros #orangeblossom #belairdeforró #tascabilissimo #projetschinéar #lesTêtesRaides #cumbiachicharra #benherbertlarue #lespiedsdanslbal #khaledaljaramani #moonlightbenjamin #grandsoufflet2021 #festivaldugrandsoufflet #radiotutti #lorchestreducaravansérail