Shamir's Secret Sharing: How to share a secret s to n parties so that a threshold >= t of them can reconstruct the secret.
Choose a random polynomial p of degree t-1 passing through (0,s). Share secrets p(x) to each party 1 <= x <= n.
Any threshold >= t parties can use Lagrange Interpolation to make a polynomial p1 and evaluate p1(0) to recover the secret s.
n.b. this works over finite fields used in cryptography #moonmath
#moonmath manual adventure is over (or begun)
For sure the book deserves another run. But it is really a good introduction and I warmly recommend it to anyone interested in the nitty gritty math details of the topic
Now I just started going through the Maksym Petkus paper
This paper is amazing and IMO contains the best explanation of the foundations I ever read
#moonmath zk-SNARKs challenge 🌑 - Week 4 (and half 😃)
Entering the formal languages shire
✅ Decision functions, Instance & Witness
✅ Statements representations: R1CS, Algebraic Circuits, QAP
✅ Circuit compilers and PAPER toy language
IMO this is easier to digest than the ECC chapters. But may be subjective
Next stop - Groth16 Protocol gran finale
#moonmath #cryptography #zeroknowledge #zksnarks
#moonmath zk-SNARKs challenge 🌑 - Week 3
Exiting elliptic curves rollercoaster
✅ Full torsion groups
✅ Pairings
✅ Construction via complex multiplication method
Math is getting hard 🤯🤯🤯
Next stop statements representation using Rank-1 Quadratic Constraint Systems
#moonmath #cryptography #zeroknowledge #zksnarks
#moonmath for #zk-#SNARKs challenge 🌑
Week #3 - on elliptic curves rollercoaster
Mostly went through:
✅ Weierstrass form (affine and projective)
✅ Montgomery form
✅ Twisted Edwards form
Discovered some clever tricks to eventually improve my old-good cry library to gain up to 10x speed
#moonmath #zk #snarks #cryptography #zeroknowledge
#moonmath zk-SNARKs challenge 🌑 - Week 2
On elliptic curves rollercoaster
✅ Weierstrass form (affine and projective)
✅ Montgomery form
✅ Twisted Edwards form
Discovered some clever tricks to eventually improve my old-good cry library to gain up to 10x speed
#moonmath #cryptography #zeroknowledge #zksnarks
#moonmath 🌑 for #zk-SNARKS challenge
Day #3
✅ introductory algebra
✅ prime fields extensions
✅ projective planes
So far so good, next stop elliptic curves
#cryptography #zero-knowledge
#moonmath #zk #cryptography #zero
#moonmath zk-SNARKs challenge 🌑 - Week 1
✅ introductory algebra
✅ prime fields extensions
✅ projective planes
So far so good, next stop elliptic curves
#moonmath #cryptography #zeroknowledge #zksnarks
Let the #ZK-SNARKs adventure begin!!! 🤓
Booting up from the #moonmath manual