Stark · @Stark9837
139 followers · 2697 posts · Server

on Youtube compared building a or running to being an advanced 3D printing topic and implementing CAN bus to be even a step higher.

I am no beginner at electronics and I found serial to be thw failure of a few prints and I2C and SPI to also fail at larger distances, for obvious reasons, it is not what they are meant for.

I feel CAN bus has become the more mature communication protocol in Klipper and is quite popular in many new add-on boards and 3rd party expansions to your printer.

Has this been the experience for others who have either installed such boards or implemented their own code, Klipper, or even add-ons? Is it really such a pain, show I use it for my custom implementations, or should I just go the route for a custom enclosure to control fans, heating, and lights?


#mandicreally #voron #klipper #moonraker #mqtt #3dprinting

Last updated 1 year ago

Aljoscha Rittner (beandev) · @beandev
961 followers · 15594 posts · Server

Mein Abenteuer geht weiter.

Slicer jetzt weggeworfen, 5.4 installiert, mit dem Plug-in. Nun kann ich die G-Code-Daten direkt an Klipper senden.

Meine Makros für Start geändert, um das Aussuppen des Extruders nicht auf dem Druckbett zu haben.

Es gibt so viele nützliche Infos im Netz, da ist es echt einfach, schnelle Ergebnisse hinzubekommen.

#3dprinting #creality #cura #moonraker

Last updated 1 year ago

Jason Pettus :blobrainbow: · @jasonpettus
395 followers · 2395 posts · Server

Read my ★★ review of Ian Fleming's "Moonraker," book #3 in my ongoing completist attempt to read all 14 of the original James Bond novels in the order they were published.

#book #review #ianfleming #moonraker #jamesbond #spy #novel #thriller #franchise #okay #soso #mediocre

Last updated 1 year ago

Moonraker is one of the crappie Bond films, IMO.


#moonraker #oo7 #bond #JamesBond

Last updated 1 year ago$ █ · @Stark9837
363 followers · 1998 posts · Server

Update to @3dprinting

I am busy with the bot, but I did an entire rewrite of the sysem. Where it firat used , I am now taking the pure route. Furthermore, the deployment process is moving to a 100% docker bssed implementation.

1. Python is one of my best languages, and I am far more efficient in it. It also jntegrates with various seamlessly.
2. I want to introduce a self-moderinting feature. Here, users can reply as a DM to a post that would be sent to the moderator to determine whether a post has been removed
3. Possible a way of connecting ting your (Printable)[] and have your new models be shared automatically.
4. Because some work will be require to make a API, I also though post contest winners here and users can also vote ln weekly posted designs and the winner will be announced and pin at the top for a week.
5. Depending on how far I get, I've been thinking of integration to get notifications in your DMs.

#3dprinting #js #python #apis #Printables #moonraker

Last updated 1 year ago

Heinrich Dubel · @heinrichdubel
12 followers · 84 posts · Server

Back to Kernkompetenz (Kat. 34): alle Helikopter in allen Filmen und Fernse(h)rien ever. Heute: Moonraker (1979)



#jamesbond #moonraker

Last updated 1 year ago

Gentleman Gef · @SecularJeffrey
3380 followers · 8239 posts · Server

Now things are getting really exciting!

GIF: An assassin comes out of a coffin and tries to kill Bond with a knife while in canal boats in Venice

#moonraker #bondjamesbond #descriptivetext

Last updated 1 year ago

Gentleman Gef · @SecularJeffrey
3379 followers · 8234 posts · Server
Peter Nimmo · @Peternimmo
923 followers · 727 posts · Server

In 1955, Ian published , the third of his James novel. The plot revolves around a industrialist who attempts to cause disaster with a . Thank goodness we've never allowed such a scenario to occur!

#rocket #fascist #bond #moonraker #fleming

Last updated 1 year ago

Alberto Casado García · @AlbertoBond
20 followers · 263 posts · Server
Gerald So · @sogerald
145 followers · 1164 posts · Server

About her , says she was heartbroken fans panned her playing a sexy nuclear physicist, that she was playing a . Gotta agree. If you liked as :eyeroll: in , I don't understand your complaints about Christmas Jones?

#movies #jamesbond #theworldisnotenough #character #christmasjones #deniserichards #bondgirl #loischiles #astronaut #scientist #hollygoodhead #moonraker

Last updated 2 years ago

3D Printing · @3dprinting
126 followers · 606 posts · Server

After seeing more and more posts of popular benchmarks: bechiez, torture toasters, or massive prints.

In order to help the community better understand your achievement, Wmwe would like to make a poll of whether certain information should be included. This can also help with feedback from the community.

Let me or @Stark9837 know how you feel about this, what should happen to posts that break the rules, and what we can improve the quality of posts?

#3dprinting #3dprint #klipper #moonraker #Fluid #group #poll #moderation #creality #prusa #bambulabs #sovol #voron

Last updated 2 years ago

stark@ubuntu:~$ :idle: · @Stark9837
286 followers · 1540 posts · Server

Now that I no onger have an app where I can easily switch stuff in my enclosurez such as the heating or the lights...

Yes, I use the lights as light in my room at night, it is very relaxing...

I am going to the and route, I will set everything up in one of those MQTT dashboards for to give a quick access to the control simplenfeatures from my enclosure


#moonraker #mqtt #android #3dprinting

Last updated 2 years ago

stark@ubuntu:~$ :idle: · @Stark9837
286 followers · 1535 posts · Server

So, how do I plan to solve this?

Well, allows for the addition of the MCU, which works with my sensor.

I will then once again create the exact same server as I had.

will then post this temperature to the server.

If I keep the format and everything identical, my will simply reconnect, and my heating lamps would work again perfectly.

It's just like 03:01 in the morning now, and if I start that now, I probably won't sleep tonight.

#klipper #raspberrypi #mosquito #mqtt #moonraker #esp32

Last updated 2 years ago

stark@ubuntu:~$ :idle: · @Stark9837
285 followers · 1529 posts · Server

Although I enjoyed my transition. I stayed with , which was actually the final straw.

Although I could live without my printer's display, the lag and sluggish and slow of Octoprint just pushed me over the limit. I felt as if I couldn't react to my printer anymore.

So with a heavy heart, I removed my SD card, wiped it and installed a clean version of OS Lite, and used to install , , , , and


#klipper #octoprint #ui #raspbian #kiauh #mainsail #klipperscreen #crowsnest #moonraker #octoeverywhere #3dprinting

Last updated 2 years ago

Alberto Casado García · @AlbertoBond
21 followers · 209 posts · Server
stark@ubuntu:~$ :idle: · @Stark9837
285 followers · 1524 posts · Server

Has anyone had any experience with and using one-wire sensors like the DS18B20?

I am currently using it on my via the Enclosure Plugin, but I want to switch to a 100% Klipper setup.

Ideally, I want to read the sensor value and send it to a broker for my to use.

The reason why I need the ESP32, is because the dimmer I use for my heating lamps uses phase modulation and the dimmer has an extra pin for an interrupt on the phase, which the Raspberry Pi doesn't support.

I could possibly just move the sensor to the ESP32 completely, but I currently have a custom , which would require me to change my wiring completely.


#klipper #moonraker #radpberrypi #octoprint #mqtt #esp32 #pcb #3dprinting

Last updated 2 years ago

stark@ubuntu:~$ :idle: · @Stark9837
283 followers · 1519 posts · Server


Coming into the space, I heard about and being the best alternatives to . And then you get as well.

Currently, I just want to preasure advance and inputshaping setup andbget a few printsbgoing, then I will look into how I am going to convert all separate devices, sensors, and actuators to



#klipper #mainsail #Fluid #octoprint #moonraker #mqtt #3dprinting

Last updated 2 years ago

stark@ubuntu:~$ :idle: · @Stark9837
282 followers · 1512 posts · Server


Oh gosh! The rabbit hole.

I am only 6 hours into , and now we are adding as well!

Don't do this to me on a Moneay evening, especially after I had an entire Easter weekend!!



#klipper #moonraker #3dprinting

Last updated 2 years ago

meteyou · @meteyou
13 followers · 75 posts · Server

Love to see the new (G-Code flavor) Support and Fileupload to / (technical its ) function in the new alpha release! 😍

#klipper #mainsail #fluidd #moonraker #prusaslicer #3dprinting

Last updated 2 years ago