La película #HechizodeLuna #Moonstruck es una de las mejores comedias románticas de los años 80 y ahora repasamos detalles que quizás no sabías
#7DayTale 2023-06 Addendum
#Moonstruck, I rove the shore, holding in #contempt the aggressors, until I find a #shell. To my wonder, two eyestalks slide out and look at me, holding between them a seed. An #aurora illuminates the cove like a #lighthouse.
Day 7:
Day 1:
#7daytale #moonstruck #contempt #shell #aurora #lighthouse #vss365 #mastoprompt #whistpr #brknshards #vssnature
After breakfast, David followed Revin as though walking on air, with a dreamy, #moonstruck expression.
"It feels good, doesn't it?" Revin asked.
"To be able to be yourself."
David suddenly broke down into tears.
Revin, concerned, pulled him to the side of the hall & patted his back while David tried to recover his equanimity.
"I tried so hard to tell them," he sobbed. "I tried over and over, but they would never listen. They just said it was a phase and I would grow out of it."
#moonstruck A strawberry moon will take the night sky this weekend. Here's how to see it. - CBS News
A myriad of #danelion suns #arrange-d by Nature on a wild meadow. #Sylphlike insects, #moonstruck by their magic, #traffic from flower to flower in the golden afternoon light of a lazy day in May.
#danelion #arrange #sylphlike #moonstruck #traffic #vssnature #mastoprompt #brknshards #whistpr #vss365
Switched over to #Moonstruck. #Cher is always a good choice. And this is one of my favorite movies.
#moonstruck #cher #thingsiwatched2023
since we're at it, my top 10 #movies from the 80's in chronological order
#theelephantman #ettheextraterrestrial #amadeus #thecolorpurple #bluevelvet #maurice #moonstruck #dangerousliaisons #whoframedrogerrabbit #whenharrymetsally
#WhenHarryMetSally #whoframedrogerrabbit #DangerousLiaisons #moonstruck #maurice #bluevelvet #thecolorpurple #amadeus #ettheextraterrestrial #theelephantman #movies
If you've never seen it, or if it's been a while, I really recommend watching the movie "Moonstruck" with Cher, Nicholas Cage, Olivia Dukakis and Danny Aiello. Just great all around - cast, story, direction, even the interiors. It's romantic, funny and touching; watch it preferably with someone you love. And popcorn.
Still #NickCage’s best lines ever:
“Loretta, I love you. Not like they told you love is, and I didn't know this either, but love don't make things nice - it ruins
evervthing. It breaks your heart. It makes things a mess. We aren't here to make things perfect. The snowflakes are
perfect. The stars are perfect. Not us. Not us! We are here to ruin ourselves and to break our hearts and love the wrong
people and die.”
— #Moonstruck
Seems like a good night for some #nyc centric comfort flicks #Moonstruck #whenharrymetsally, and #crossingdelancy.
#nyc #moonstruck #whenharrymetsally #crossingdelancy
My #ComfortFilms are:
#comfortfilms #OpenRange #NapoleonDynamite #highfidelity #TheDayAfterTomorrow #DeepImpact #TheCore #moonstruck #FieldOfDreams #BullDurham #AMightyWind #GroundHogDay #TheMuppetChristmasCarol
If it's nighttime where you are, go outside and gaze at the moon. What a beauty.
And I purposely am not posting a photo. Go outside and see for yourself all that gorgeousness just hanging out in the sky.
What is Moonstruck?
#Moonstruck is the new day of reckoning in a distracted world. Once a month on the day of the full moon, we resist the monopoly that corporate technology has on our attention. For a full 24 hours, we power off and connect to the real world around us with our heads up. Noticing the light, color, trees, and sky, we’re pulled from our individualist tunnel vision and thrown into the fury.
We think our own thoughts.