#Earthquake (#sismo) M2.1 strikes 27 km NW of #Moorpark (#California) 2 min ago. More info: http://m.emsc.eu/?id=1550734
#earthquake #sismo #moorpark #california
#Earthquake (#sismo) M2.1 strikes 27 km NW of #Moorpark (#California) 2 min ago. More info: http://m.emsc.eu/?id=1548320
#earthquake #sismo #moorpark #california
#VCSBG Monday night #boardgames and #craftbeer in #Moorpark
The Heat: Pedal to the Metal #boardgame has been a group regular over the last few months. As a card based racing game it works very well. The “heat” mechanic adds both choice & risk. I have still not managed to get the timing right. But it was close.
Paul described QE as “High Society 2.0”. QE is an auction game with a twist. Only the winner and the auction leader know the winning bid. Whomever bid the most in the game cannot win.
#vcsbg #boardgames #craftbeer #moorpark #boardgame
CHP Moorpark: "CHP Moorpark is on scene with a 5 veh crash on Moorpark Rd. 2 people were transported to the hospital and a truck carrying lumber overturned." #Moorpark #TC #accident #ConejoValley #ThousandOaks
#moorpark #tc #accident #conejovalley #thousandoaks
#VCSBG Monday night #boardgames & #craftbeer at Angry Ferret Brewing in #Moorpark
1st play for me of Star Wars Outer Rim by FFG. Nice use of the IP. As much as I like Firefly The Game; SW:OR does it better as a RPG complete missions style #boardgame you can actually finish in a few hours.
Also played were Heat, Federation, Port Royal, and Incan Gold.
“Brandi”, the ESB style bitter is still between batches. After trying the Hefeweizen and various IPAs I’m sticking with their American Pale Ale.
#vcsbg #boardgames #craftbeer #moorpark #boardgame
Amazing... #Amtrak up and running already after a derailment just a couple of days ago down the track. #Moorpark #California #trainspotting
#amtrak #moorpark #california #trainspotting
Wow! Pacific Surfliner: "UPDATE: Track work in Moorpark is complete & Pacific Surfliner trains will operate north of Los Angeles starting Friday, June 30. Slow orders may be in effect for trains traveling through the area but no major delays are expected. Details: pacificsurfliner.com/alerts " #Moorpark #train #accident
Hmm, somebody horrible in politics is trying to make out the Amtrak derailment in #Moorpark as the blame of failure of "infrastructure" in California... the derailment was caused by a water truck stuck at a crossing.
#GabbertIC Total patient count now (at 1331PT) is thirteen (13). #Moorpark #train #accident (so far it sounds like all minor, but with transport to hospital).
#gabbertic #moorpark #train #accident
#GabbertIC #Moorpark #train #derailment Some photos and videos of the scene there from @Michael_Coons https://nitter.net/Michael_Coons/status/1674130961372700672
#gabbertic #moorpark #train #derailment
4 additional patients requesting transport, now a total of 8 #GabbertIC #train #derailment #Moorpark
#gabbertic #train #derailment #moorpark
#GabbertIC 3 additional ALS ambulances requested. #train #derailment #Moorpark
#gabbertic #train #derailment #moorpark
#GabbertIC Semi got the worst of this one. They are releasing significant number of resources now. #train #derailment #Moorpark #California
#gabbertic #train #derailment #moorpark #california
Fire is controlled under baggage car, no hazards to control on train. From KTLA video, looks like the train hit a semi. #Moorpark #GabbertIC
Monday night #VCSBG #boardgames & #craftbeer in #Moorpark. We snuck in a quick round of the Just One card game while folks arrived.
The main course on our table was Great Western Trail Argentina board game. It was a long teach for Bob. It flowed well once we got going. Individual player turns are quick.
Paul lead the other table through Libertalia and 3 games of 7 Wonders Architects.
#vcsbg #boardgames #craftbeer #moorpark #boardgame
Monday night #VCSBG #boardgames & #craftbeer in #Moorpark
Two new games for me with Illimat and Cursed Court.
Illimat is an interesting take on card collection via suits with the box rotating
Cursed Court was picked up by John for 5 bucks in a #boardgame virtual flea market. Elements of roulette betting and area control with lots of plastic bits.
I'd play both of these games again.
#vcsbg #boardgames #craftbeer #moorpark #boardgame
Well, that's unexpected. #Moorpark #rain (?) #CAwx #VenturaCounty
#moorpark #rain #cawx #venturacounty