Lesson 01: An overview of computers
Before getting into programming proper, I like to have a quick overview of computer history and what software even is.
You can access the lesson here:
Let me know what you think! Any other background knowledge you think would be handy?
#introductiontocomputerscienceandprogramming #moosadee #computerscience
The Moos-a-dee Discord server is here:
And you can also find a handful of us on IRC on the irc.libera.chat server on channel: #Moosadee
@atax1a Currently I'm only in #dosgameclub on Afternet, and #Moosadee on libera.chat. Dope places with good people, tho
If you would like, you can join my Moosadee gamedev IRC, though it is just a sliver of what it once was.
Server is irc.libera.chat Channel is #Moosadee
And if you'd like to join my Moosader discord, which is also not very active, but has channels for game development as well as constructed languages (mostly Láadan), you can find that here:
Registered a new channel on libera chat, and still have the freenode channel for now.
server: irc dot libera dot chat
channel: #moosadee