Moose caught a mouse this morning. Now if he could catch the ones that keep getting under the truck hood that would be awesome.
I kiss an angel good morning every morning. That's when I go out and feed Rio.
Moose and Rio are calmer today since it's not quite as windy as it has been (yet). Yesterday Moose didn't understand why we didn't have that loud box on bitching about the characters. Poor Rio didn't want to go into the barn to eat. The wind was making so much noise rattling it around it made him so nervous. Hopefully today is better for all of us.
When your horse is shedding it's very important to brush his butt. It's one hell of a sight to see a 1100-pound horse rubbing his butt on the barn wall or garage wall. There is a lot of force behind that scratch. And I do mean a lot of force.
#mooseandriosmom #horsesofmastodon
Singing at the top of my lungs:
'cause the greatest love of all is happening to me...
Rio poops and walks away.
Well fine then!
Poor Rio couldn't handle being in the barn to eat or get attention. He was a nervous wreck with the winds gusting and rattling everything. I'd try to pet him, and he jump. At least they calmed down last night to let him get some rest. I bet he was surprised to see his bed half filled up with sand.
When we first brought him home, he dug out a big hole and that became his bed. Equipped with the sides that works as a pillow.
Yesterday this lady Fed Ex driver got of her truck and Moose came charging and barking out the door. It about scared the piss out of this lady. Just about all the delivery drivers know Moose and will pet him since they know he's friendly. That poor lady probably won't come back here.
The last few days when Rio's been out grazing he's been running home. We love to see him running, he's so beautiful. He is feeling so much better since he got rid of the fluid on his leg.
Rio doesn't understand why he can't be fed outside. Too fucking windy.
Moose doesn't understand why mama doesn't take her normal walk with him after she takes care of her brother. Too fucking windy and I can't fucking breathe.
Of course, I don't say 'fucking' around my boys. Little ears you know.
Whispers: I hear the secrets that you keep when you're woofing in your sleep.
Moose just gives me a sleepy look.
Our biggest fear back when Moose wouldn't come home is not being able to find him. Worried that he was hurt or killed by the pack, and we'd never know. I'm glad he's older and listens a little better now.
This morning there was a coyote on the other side of the fence on our property. Moose started to chase it but stopped right at the fence when my husband yelled at him. Big change from 5 years ago when he'd chase one and be gone for a hour or 2 trying to get back home. Scared us to death. We didn't know if he was alive or dead. No matter how much calling and searching we couldn't find him. He'd finally come home dirty and tired. Little shit.
That goofy dog wants to bring his dead rabbit in the house so he can protect it. That would be no.
I went out to give Rio his feed earlier and he had to put on his therapist hat. He didn't mind though; he was getting fed and mama was talking to him.
When my husband and moose went out at 5 am there was a frozen stiff rabbit under Rio's water trailer. Of course, Moose zoomed in on it. How in the hell did he do that? We think something must have attacked the rabbit and he crawled under there and died. So now Moose has been playing: Let's bury the bunny in different spots, all morning.
Bitching about kangaroo mice, it is a fact that you cannot kill the rat bastards with poison. We've tried several different types and they thrive on it. It's like they think we're making them pets. We've also tried different traps, but their tails detach, and they get free. The only known thing that can kill them is Moose. He is a good mouser.
Moose decided he didn't want to go for the rest of our walk so he waited for us to come back. I told him if I could make so could he. He didn't agree.
#mooselove #mooseandriosmom #alttex
To all my old friends and my new friends it sounds like this server may disappear if so I am also on these 2. I did this just in case something like this would happen. This way I'm already set up. I hope to see you on one or the other or both. and
No more calling me baby
No more loving like crazy
No more chicken and gravy
Ain't gonna have your baby
'Til you take me down
(Take me down)
You better take me down
(Take me down)
Take me down to the little white church
Little White Church #lyrics
Little Big Town
#lyrics #countrymusic #mooseandriosmom
Every morning there's a heartache hangin' from the corner of my girlfriend's four-post bed
I know it's not mine, and I know she thinks she loves me
but I never can believe what she said
Something so deceiving
when you stop believing
Turn me around again
Said we couldn't do it
You know I wanna do it again
Every Morning #lyrics
Sugar Ray
#lyrics #90smusic #mooseandriosmom