Having been in webdevelopment for about 20 years now (yikes!) using stuff like #MooTools, #jQuery, #Knockoutjs, #Backbonejs, #Marionettejs and #React sort of fixed the issue of making webapps interactive/reactive. It always felt cumbersome though as it required a lot of different stuff to make it possible. And now we suddenly had to manage state, validation etc. on the client side as well. More work.
But, I think I found the solution to this problem. One that reminds me of the good old days...
#mootools #jquery #KnockoutJS #backbonejs #marionettejs #react
Found some archives with some stuff I did with #CSS, #HTML and #Mootools (lol if anyone would find this message by this hashtag) in 2009 and earlier, and things still work nicely in modern browsers, and I'm still proud of a lot of the ways I did stuff there. Maybe the most glaring flaw is some keyboard navigation issues, but otherwise things are quite nice.
Maybe one day I'll put an archive of these things somewhere haha.
I'm an old #JavaScript developer.
How old?
I've contributed to #MooTools.
I've worked on #jest for a while, my most notable contribution was snapshot tests.
I'm from Italy, I lived 5 years in #London and during the last 5 I was in #Tokyo.
I still am, but also was.
#introduction #javascript #mootools #jest #london #tokyo
Follow TubeLoop on Mootools
TubeLoop is a free online website tool that lets you make YouTube repeat videos and play them indefinitely. With TubeLoop, you can create an endless loop of favorite YouTube video.
Web: https://mootools.net/forge/profile/RTubeloop
#tubeloop #youtuberepeat #youtubeloop #mootools
#tubeloop #youtuberepeat #youtubeloop #mootools
Follow TubeLoop on Mootools
TubeLoop is a free online website tool that lets you make YouTube repeat videos and play them indefinitely. With TubeLoop, you can create an endless loop of favorite YouTube video.
Web: https://mootools.net/forge/profile/RTubeloop
#tubeloop #youtuberepeat #youtubeloop #mootools
#tubeloop #youtuberepeat #youtubeloop #mootools
Web Development Frameworks
The idea behind this piece is to collect any open-source web development coding frameworks and libraries tha
#Computerlanguages #Cross-platformsoftware #High-levelprogramminglanguages #JavaScript #JavaScriptlibraries #Jekyll #Mapbox #MooTools #Object-orientedprogramminglanguages #OpenStreetMap #Programminglanguages #Ruby #RubyonRails #Scriptinglanguages #Twitter #UnitedKingdom #Webframework
#Webframework #unitedkingdom #Twitter #scriptinglanguages #rubyonrails #Ruby #programminglanguages #OpenStreetMap #object #mootools #mapbox #jekyll #javascriptlibraries #JavaScript #high #cross #computerlanguages
Web Development Frameworks
The idea behind this piece is to collect any open-source web development coding frameworks and libraries tha
#Computerlanguages #Cross-platformsoftware #High-levelprogramminglanguages #JavaScript #JavaScriptlibraries #Jekyll #Mapbox #MooTools #Object-orientedprogramminglanguages #OpenStreetMap #Programminglanguages #Ruby #RubyonRails #Scriptinglanguages #Twitter #UnitedKingdom #Webframework
#Webframework #unitedkingdom #Twitter #scriptinglanguages #rubyonrails #Ruby #programminglanguages #OpenStreetMap #object #mootools #mapbox #jekyll #javascriptlibraries #JavaScript #high #cross #computerlanguages