I am really, really, REALLY irritated by what I just saw. The #ImageDescription function of Microsoft's #Bing is outright lying to people with vision impairments about what appears in images it receives. It's bad enough when an #LLM is allowed to tell lies that a person can easily check for veracity themselves. But how the hell are you going to offer this so-called service to someone who can't check the claims being made and NEEDS those claims to be correct?
How long till someone gets poisoned because Bing lied and told someone it was food that hasn't expired when it has, or that it's safe to drink when it's cleaning solution, or God knows what? This is downright irresponsible and dangerous. #Microsoft either needs to put VERY CLEAR disclaimers on their service, or just take it down until it can actually be trusted.
#imagedescription #bing #llm #microsoft #blindness #visualimpairment #accessibility #accessibilitymatters #disability #disabilityrights #corporateresponsibility #largelanguagemodels #moralhazard
Oh, ich denke, ich habe die #KI kaputt gemacht.
Ich wollte von #DeepAI wissen, wie es sich beim #TrolleyProblem entscheiden und wie es mit den Konsequenzen umgehen würde...
Der Frage nach einer Lösung ist es mit Allgemeinplätzen ausgewichen.
Auf die Nachfrage, wie es mit der Entscheidung umgehen würde, brach es mitten im Satz ab.
Und auf die Nachfrage, warum es abgebrochen hat, kommt ein verworrener Einzeiler.
Das es so einfach ist, hätte ich jetzt nicht gedacht. ;-)
#ki #deepai #trolleyproblem #moralhazard
Thế nào là Moral Hazard? Tìm hiểu về những phi vụ rủi ro đạo đức Moral Hazard
Những biện pháp có thể phòng ngừa hiện tượng rủi ro đạo đức. Một vài phi vụ nổi tiếng trong lịch sử về Moral Hazard tham khảo tại:
Hastag: #exness #sanexness #moralhazard #moralhazardlagi
#moralhazardlagi #moralhazard #SanExness #exness
Giới thiệu đôi nét về Moral Hazard và những phi vụ rủi ro đạo đức Moral Hazard
Tìm hiểu về rủi ro đạo đức Moral Hazard là gì? Một vài phi vụ nổi tiếng trong lịch sử về Moral Hazard tham khảo tại:
Hastag: #exness #sanexness #moralhazard #moralhazardlagi
#moralhazardlagi #moralhazard #SanExness #exness
Das universelle Konzept #MoralHazard ist keineswegs veraltet:
Die fatale Trennung von #Entscheidungsgewalt und #Verantwortung ist selbstredend für die Frage des #Wahlalter|s extrem relevant.
Ich bitte im Übrigen um etwas mehr #Höflichkeit. Niemand verbietet mir das Wort. Auch nicht im Kontext einer vermeintlich guten Sache.
#hoflichkeit #wahlalter #verantwortung #Entscheidungsgewalt #moralhazard
"Prodigal tech bro stories skip straight from the past, when they were part of something that—surprise!—turned out to be bad, to the present, where they are now a moral authority on how to do good, but without the transitional moments of revelation and remorse. ... ‘I was lost but now I’m found, please come to my TED talk’"
- Maria Farrell, in The Conversationalist:
#sexism #moralhazard #ethics #tech
#SVB: US #regulators have generated “a #MoralHazard” #SiliconValleyBank suddenly collapsed just one week after making it to #Forbes’ America’s #BestBanks list, turning one of those best banks into the second-largest #BankFailure in US history. This immediately led to a storm in the #GlobaFfinancialSystem What was so striking is just how classic a #BankRun it was. https://www.thebanker.com/World/Americas/US/SVB-US-regulators-have-generated-a-moral-hazard See also Liquidity ransformation and Fragility in the US Banking Sector
#svb #regulators #moralhazard #siliconvalleybank #forbes #bestbanks #bankfailure #globaffinancialsystem #bankrun
When a small man or woman gets into financial trouble, the bank sends in the thugs (bailiffs).
When the bank gets into trouble the government uses the little men and women's money paid through taxes (because the wealthy hedge their taxes) and bail (notice the similarity to bailiffs) out them to ensure that the CEO's keep their bonuses.
Something stinks.
#BankCrisisLooming #Bank #Unfair #CapitalismGoneAwry #MoralHazard
#bankcrisislooming #bank #unfair #capitalismgoneawry #moralhazard
RT @julianHjessop: The reality is that...
i) crap banks should be allowed to fail (#moralhazard)
ii) it's naive to assume *any* regulatory system can (let alone should) prevent this sort of thing from happening
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/john4brexit/status/1639334277278990347
Again, it's a #MoralHazard problem. When the misbehaving entity (#cop) doesn't end up as the party paying the penalty (the city aka the public does), where's the motivation to curtail the misbehaving? Have the #police union pay the penalty. Or require the department to carry #insurance against these payouts. And absolutely fuck any future #pension for the convicted. When the guilty party actually suffers a penalty, there is at least the *possibility* of #justice. #ACAB
#acab #justice #pension #insurance #police #cop #moralhazard
RT @julianHjessop: Looks like #CreditSuisse is being sold to #UBS at a cut price that essentially wipes out shareholders, but no bad thing IMHO if bondholders take a big hit too...
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/john4brexit/status/1637780617965326338
#creditsuisse #UBS #moralhazard
ICYMI #grift #economy #moralhazard
@major my mechanic said they sell some protection he can install - but insurance pays for a new catalytic converter but not the protection. #moralhazard
Live on German arte:Saloon, talking #Geoengineering in what appears to be the coolest setting anywhere on public TV
#moralhazard #Climate #Geoengineering
https://www.nytimes.com/2023/03/13/technology/silicon-valley-image.html?smid=nytcore-ios-share&referringSource=articleShare Why are we bailing out rich libertarian crypto white assholes? Why won’t they just do this again? #moralhazard
Live on German arte:Saloon in 15min, talking #Geoengineering in what appears to be the coolest setting anywhere on public TV
#moralhazard #Climate #Geoengineering
The Fed under Powell ain't looking like the one that negotiated the Grand Canyon some 150 years ago or the one that negotiated the Great Recession only 15 years ago? Sup Jerome?
#FederalReserve #moralhazard #fraud #jobsareaGoodThing?
#jobsareagoodthing #fraud #moralhazard #federalreserve
The Central Bank Digital Currency is already here…
1. Silvergate = CloudFlate
2. Silicon Valley Bnak = CloudFlare
3. Signature NY = Akamai
Waiting for an Amazon'd #bank to join the fray. Bailing out bad actors creates a #moralHazard. Sleep in the bed (bank) you've made.
#mitmAttackAsAService #CBDC #enginneringConsent #silvergate #siliconValleyBank #signatureNY #akamai #cloudFlare #bitcoinFixesThis #notYourKeysNotYourCoins
#bank #moralhazard #mitmattackasaservice #cbdc #enginneringconsent #silvergate #siliconvalleybank #signatureny #akamai #cloudflare #bitcoinfixesthis #NotYourKeysNotYourCoins