Consuming a Lack · @schrodingers_cat
456 followers · 26198 posts · Server

Any good recommendations on books, podcasts, etc critiquing moralism, specifically from a radical perspective?

#moralism #resources #books

Last updated 1 year ago

elizabeth veldon · @elizabethveldon
371 followers · 1391 posts · Server
John L. Taylor · @johnnylogic
35 followers · 38 posts · Server

“The greatest threat to compassion is the temptation to succumb to fantasies of moral superiority.” — Stephen Batchelor, Buddhism Without Beliefs.

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#buddhism #moralism #quotes #compassion #quote

Last updated 2 years ago

John L. Taylor · @johnnylogic
35 followers · 38 posts · Server

“The greatest threat to compassion is the temptation to succumb to fantasies of moral superiority.” — Stephen Batchelor, Buddhism Without Beliefs.

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#compassion #buddhism #moralism

Last updated 2 years ago

John L. Taylor · @johnnylogic
35 followers · 38 posts · Server

“The greatest threat to compassion is the temptation to succumb to fantasies of moral superiority.” — Stephen Batchelor, _Buddhism Without Beliefs_.

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#moralism #buddhism #compassion

Last updated 2 years ago

· @Shamar
255 followers · 2474 posts · Server
· @Shamar
255 followers · 2474 posts · Server


Roadmaps are not political goals.
They talk about what is going to happen to the software, not about what we are trying to achieve through the project.

While I have to admit I'd read carefully a RELIGION.txt to understand how a software is related to religious beliefs, I don't think it's the same.

impacts in several ways, while it doesn't impact God, usually.

However there are notable exceptions such as that deserve all of our respect.

Anyway, as I said you are free to ignore the political goals of a project at your own risk, just like you can ignore the license or the code they write.

For example I purposedly ignore because I refuse to adopt an workplace like behavior in my time.
If forced to read them I look for ways to ridiculize them by violating their letter without violating their rational. So usually it's better for the project leaders to NOT try to impose me their .

Yet I do this at my own risk.

#software #society #templeos #coc #us #free #moralism

Last updated 5 years ago

· @Shamar
255 followers · 2474 posts · Server


If a free software project has any aspect you don't like, it deserve to be forked.

welcome any .

Only people who cry of community breaks and such bullshit. After all forks reduce their share!

As for women, trust me: I care A LOT about them. I have three daughters I love most, and I always carefully consider what is good for them, in the present and in the future.

Is a homogenous world were all people talk the same good for them? Would it be safer?

The answer is simply No.

In Italy we have had a history of private abuses easily mixed with public to cover them.

In a world were people cannot TALK about something, such thing do not disappear. It just become invisible and more dangerous. Public just raise the stakes for powerful people, but it doesn't fix any perversion.

Since I want to effectively protect my daughters, I want a world where people with the weirdest opinions can discuss them while criminal like are rapidly and easily denounced.

Don't judge books by their cover: a project (or a man, or a woman or a company or..) might LOOK nice to a woman while being creepy and dangerous. And the converse can also be true.

I prefer places that are dangerous and look dangerous too.
They are LESS dangerous.

But censorship and mob lynching of opinion won't make things better.

@dthompson @cwebber

#hackers #fork #opensource #market #hypocrisy #moralism #epstein

Last updated 5 years ago