"Deontological and absolutist moral dilemma judgments convey self-righteousness" in U.S., German-speaking, and British participants (N = 1254).
In the Journal of Experimental Social Psychology: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jesp.2023.104505
#ProcessDissociation #DecisionScience #psychMethods #moralPsychology #xPhi
#processdissociation #decisionscience #psychmethods #moralpsychology #xPhi
Switched servers so reposting an introduction
I am a #moral #psychologist (in @UL ) interested in the cognitive processes underlying our moral judgments. Also interested in #ecological #psychology and understanding #behaviour in #context. #openscience advocate and #rstats #r user.
Ouside of work I play #music including #guitar #harmonica and #songwriting. I enjoy #chess and #running (but have been inconsistent of late) and #walking
I also have 2 #cats
#moral #psychologist #ecological #psychology #behaviour #context #openscience #rstats #r #music #guitar #harmonica #songwriting #chess #Running #walking #cats #moralpsychology #morality
Outstanding #dissertation!
Trivia #games reduced #polarization?!
Playing the game with a partner that disagree about #politics improved people's feelings towards the out-party for up to 4 months!
- even one-player versions of the game worked!
- adding *political* trivia questions *helped*!
"As one participant put it, the game... 'gives me further hope that we can work with others no matter what divides us.'"
#dissertation #games #polarization #politics #moralpsychology #cogsci #xPhi
Is it wrong to eat meat? End a pregnancy? Buy luxury goods?
A Moral Philosophy course changed students' views about these questions AND the degree to which students reported answering based on "deliberation/analysis" or "intuition/emotion".
But it was reduced reliance on intuition/emotion (not increased reliance on deliberation/analysis) that explained changes in students' ethical views!
#xPhi #Psychology #DecisionScience #CogSci #HigherEd #Ethics #MoralPsychology
#xPhi #psychology #decisionscience #cogsci #highered #ethics #moralpsychology
Gender- and country-level differences in the “consequences, norms, generalized inaction” (CNI) battery of moral dilemmas.
That is, there were some differences in the C, N, and I parameters of men and women from Japan, China, and "English" or "Western" contexts (N ≅ 600).
#ethics #moralpsychology #xPhi #demographicdifferences
3 minute moral psychology survey!
Read about 4 characters, and rate them on 5 dimensions (also some demographic and attention questions).
Go on! You know you want to!
#morality #moralpsychology #research
#morality #moralpsychology #research
Performance on the cognitive reflection test and base rate neglect tests (Analytic cognitive style) did not significantly predict moral judgments about "disgust-eliciting vignettes" (above and beyond other factors) in about 400 Swedish participants.
#MoralPsychology #DualProcessTheory #xPhi #DecisionScience #Ethics #MoralFoundationsTheory
#moralpsychology #dualprocesstheory #xPhi #decisionscience #ethics #moralfoundationstheory
"Ecospirituality" was associated with preferring principle/rule-based moral thinking over cost-benefit moral thinking—moreso in two US samples than a similarly sized a Canadian sample (Ns ≅ 475).
#moralPsychology #Religion #EnvironmentalEthics #xPhi #Philososphy #DecisionScience
#moralpsychology #religion #environmentalethics #xPhi #philososphy #decisionscience
Students' moral judgments of trolley problem decisions seemed to depend not only on the decision (cause some harm or don't), but also the decision-maker (human vs. AI), and the problem type (standard vs. footbridge).
(Ns ≅ 200)
#ethics #AI #moralPsychology #moralDilemma #xPhi #cogSci #psychology #philosophy
#ethics #ai #moralpsychology #moraldilemma #xPhi #cogsci #psychology #philosophy
🚨New paper in #Collabra
with @MarekMcGann @EricIgou & Elaine Kinsella
In a #moral #dumbfounding task, participants were less likely to give reasons while under cognitive load (in 3 out of 4 scenarios).
#collabra #moral #dumbfounding #moralpsychology
🚨New paper in #Collabra
with @MarekMcGann @EricIgou & Elaine Kinsella
In a #moral #dumbfounding task, participants were less likely to give reasons while under cognitive load (in 3 out of 4 scenarios).
(many thanks to @EHS_Research)
#collabra #moral #dumbfounding #moralpsychology
#MPRG #MoralPsychology Thought-provoking talk by Tania Lombrozo: Epistemic belief (belief motivated by epistemic reasons) is distinct and has different qualities compared to non-epistemic belief. Feels like opening a new frontier.
New paper alert:
Evidence for Moral Dumbfounding in 3 previously unstudied populations.
4 years in the works, 3 studies: 2 Masters students projects (Run Zhang & Tanuja Karnatak) and an a collaboration with 2 colleagues in Dubai (Nishtha Lamba & Olga Khokhlova).
Delighted to finally share this!
#Psychology #morality #moralpsychology #SocPsych
#psychology #morality #moralpsychology #socpsych
What book(s) are you reading between now and New Year's?
I just started "The Righteous Mind: Why Good People Are Divided By Politics and Religion" by Jonathan Haidt. Not the kind of book I'd normally choose, but it's for my book club and I nearly always complete the assignment.
#books #bookstadon #booklover #MoralPsychology #politics #religion
#books #bookstadon #booklover #moralpsychology #politics #religion
Hi everyone 👋! I've just joined Mastodon.
I'm a lecturer (assistant prof) in psych & my research is in #moralpsychology. I use #virtualreality in the lab to simulate various moral/social dilemmas to study moral action. I'm also an experimental philosophy poser #xphi doing research on #morality #epistemology #bioethics. Mega advocate for #openscience! Looking forward to connecting with the academic community here! #psychology #virtualrealitycommunity #philosophy
#philosophy #virtualrealitycommunity #psychology #openscience #bioethics #epistemology #morality #xphi #virtualreality #moralpsychology #Introductions #Introduction
Hello fellow hyperreal travellers! I'm a #researcher (Research Fellow) at #universityofmanchester, working at the intersections of #bioethics #medicallaw #philosophy #moralpsychology #cognitivescience and #healthpolicy. If you want to know more about what I do, have a look at https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Jonathan-Lewis-14 or https://research.manchester.ac.uk/en/persons/jonathan.lewis-2
#researcher #universityofmanchester #bioethics #medicallaw #philosophy #moralpsychology #cognitivescience #healthpolicy
Hello fellow hyperreal travellers! I'm a #researcher (Research Fellow) at #universityofmanchester, working at the intersections of #bioethics #medicallaw #philosophy #moralpsychology #cognitivescience and #healthpolicy. If you want to know more about what I do, have a look at https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Jonathan-Lewis-14 or https://research.manchester.ac.uk/en/persons/jonathan.lewis-2
#researcher #universityofmanchester #bioethics #medicallaw #philosophy #moralpsychology #cognitivescience #healthpolicy
More ethics of autonomous vehicles (AVs):
- For "regular-car drivers" "consequentialist" or harm-minimizing was preferred regardless of whether it required swerving or continuing straight.
- For "AV drivers" so-called "utilitarian" or harm-minimization was preferred only if it required action (e.g., swerving).
#OpenAccess paper: "automation enhances deontological considerations"
#selfDriving #AI #ethics #moralPsychology #xPhi #DecisionScience #CogSci #technology
#openaccess #selfdriving #ai #ethics #moralpsychology #xPhi #decisionscience #cogsci #technology
ICYMI, Moral Responsibility Reconsidered by Gregg Caruso and Derk Pereboom | http://nebula.wsimg.com/7fded12950a4b029ee683a12fa771b4b?AccessKeyId=57C0F200619988621A8D&disposition=0&alloworigin=1 | #OpenAccess #Philosophy #FreeWill #MoralResponsibility #MoralPsychology @philosophy #Blame #Anger #Punishment
#openaccess #philosophy #freewill #moralresponsibility #moralpsychology #blame #anger #punishment
So-called utilitarian responses to a #trolleyProblem were nearly unanimous among younger children (≅6-8 years old)—even for the footbridge variant (N = 127)—but that preference decreased with age—albeit much less so for children with #autism spectrum disorder.
#xPhi #ethics #moralPsychology #DecisionScience #CogSci #Psychiatry #Philosophy
#trolleyproblem #autism #xPhi #ethics #moralpsychology #decisionscience #cogsci #psychiatry #philosophy