When is an artist entitled to refuse attribution of an artwork?
"Moral rights are not harmonized at the EU level. Insofar as international law is concerned, the relevant provision is that contained in Article 6bis of the Berne Convention. In turn, all this means that moral rights protection does vary significantly from country to country."
#art #moralrights #jeffkoons #copyright
Folk band We Mavericks hit by music fraud as songs uploaded to streaming sites under different name https://www.abc.net.au/news/2023-08-10/music-piracy-hits-folk-band-we-mavericks-on-streaming-sites/102650150 #copyright #moralrights #attribution #consumerlaw
#copyright #moralrights #attribution #consumerlaw
Amazon removes books ‘generated by AI’ for sale under author’s name https://www.theguardian.com/books/2023/aug/09/amazon-removes-books-generated-by-ai-for-sale-under-authors-name?CMP=share_btn_tw Jane Friedman claims she had to fight against Amazon’s refusal to remove the misattributed titles because she had not trademarked her name. #copyright #moralrights #trademark #AI #Amazon
#copyright #moralrights #trademark #ai #amazon
Photographer says street artist used daughter’s picture in pro-Russia mural https://www.theguardian.com/world/2023/jul/19/photographer-criticises-use-of-image-in-italian-artists-pro-russia-mural Australian Helen Whittle says it was painful to see her image of daughter used in Italian artist’s mural in Mariupol. #copyright #moralrights #streetart #plagiarism #propaganda
#copyright #moralrights #streetart #plagiarism #propaganda
Art dealer sentenced to more than two years for fake Andy Warhol paintings https://www.theguardian.com/artanddesign/2023/may/31/art-dealer-sentenced-two-years-fake-andy-warhol-paintings Daniel Elie Bouaziz, 69, was sentenced in Fort Pierce federal court, according to court records. He pleaded guilty in February to a single count of money laundering, while prosecutors agreed to drop 16 other counts related to fraud and embezzlement. Bouaziz was fined $15,000, and a restitution hearing is scheduled for 16 August. #fakeart #artcrime (Perhaps there is also a #moralrights dimension to this matter).
#fakeart #artcrime #moralrights
@clarkesworld In some jurisdictions, #Copyright includes #MoralRights. Might the incorporation of a work in a data set for an LLM already constitute a violation? If your work has been used to train an LLM, regardless of consent, are you not entitled to fractional royalties? #IntellectualProperty
#copyright #moralrights #intellectualproperty
"Legal Issues in Textual Scholarship" is a symposium organised by The European Society for Textual Scholarship in association with the University of Borås – SSLIS
and the University of Lisbon – CLUL.
Date: 27 October 2023 via Zoom
Deadline for proposals: 18 June 2023
#symposium #archives #copyright #literature #law #dataprivacy #humanrights #moralrights #cfp
#symposium #archives #copyright #literature #law #dataprivacy #humanrights #moralrights #cfp
Roald Dahl and the giant problem with intellectual property
<< is there some sort of editorial ban on the phrase "Moral Rights". I absolutely get not knowing/caring about these rights 99.99% of the time.
However, the amount that is written right now on their very point without mentioning them is incredible.
Wikipedia even does a decent summary:
#ip #ipr #copyright #law #moralrights
“Artists have a right to the creative integrity of their work, even when the work is disagreeable; Dahl and Fleming, both long dead, are unable to consent to the changes. There is an argument to be made that softening the unpleasant edges of these books is an act of erasure, or even historical denialism.”
https://www.independent.co.uk/arts-entertainment/books/features/james-bond-censored-offensive-roald-dahl-b2290856.html #censorship #MoralRights #RightOfIntegrity
#censorship #moralrights #rightofintegrity
Roald Dahl threatened publisher with ‘enormous crocodile’ if they changed his words https://www.theguardian.com/books/2023/feb/25/roald-dahl-threatened-publisher-with-enormous-crocodile-if-they-changed-his-words?CMP=share_btn_tw #copyright #moralrights #revision #books #publishing
#copyright #moralrights #revision #books #publishing
Reminded of the importance of both reading and asking for edits to #contracts, after someone close to me had their research and writing taking out of context and that published under their name and #reputation. They were not able to get their words placed back in #context as they'd signed away their #MoralRights. Moral rights are important. Don't sign them away.
#contracts #reputation #context #moralrights #storytogo
In current #BrazilianLaw, the #MoralRights of audiovisual works being exclusively to the #director. (article 25 of law 9,610/1998)
I think this is ridiculous and that such rights should be extended to all non-extra #actors of an audiovisual work.
And the right to remove a work from circulation should be extended to cases where promises made by the directors, producers and others were not kept.
I see this as an important check and balance to the power directors and producers have over actors.
#brazilianlaw #moralrights #director #actors
I've been thinking about discussions around women in #porn and how it affects their careers and how they are mistreated and the apparently simple (partial) solution I don't see anyone talking is: extend and strengthen #MoralRights to actors!
Moral rights are like #copyright but they are inaliable (not even contracts can dispell or transfer them) and in #BrazilianLaw they include, among others, the right for an author to remove their work from circulation when it harms their reputation.
#porn #moralrights #copyright #brazilianlaw