Why #Global #Supply_Chains May #NEVER_BE_THE_SAME | A WSJ Documentary
Every day, millions of #sailors, #truck_drivers, #longshoremen, #warehouse workers and #delivery drivers keep #mountains of #goods #moving into #stores and #homes to meet consumers’ increasing expectations of convenience.
But this #complex movement of goods #underpinning the #global_economy is FAR #MORE_VULNERABLE than many imagined
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#more_vulnerable #global_economy #underpinning #complex #homes #stores #moving #goods #mountains #delivery #warehouse #longshoremen #truck_drivers #sailors #NEVER_BE_THE_SAME #Supply_chains #global #INTERNATIONAL_TECH_NEWS
Why #Global #Supply_Chains May #NEVER_BE_THE_SAME | A WSJ Documentary
Every day, millions of #sailors, #truck_drivers, #longshoremen, #warehouse workers and #delivery drivers keep #mountains of #goods #moving into #stores and #homes to meet consumers’ increasing expectations of convenience.
But this #complex movement of goods #underpinning the #global_economy is FAR #MORE_VULNERABLE than many imagined
Disclaimer: DavidV.TV and/or its owner...
#more_vulnerable #global_economy #underpinning #complex #homes #stores #moving #goods #mountains #delivery #warehouse #longshoremen #truck_drivers #sailors #NEVER_BE_THE_SAME #Supply_chains #global #INTERNATIONAL_TECH_NEWS
#BIG_PHARMA | #Chemotherapy for #Cancer Treatment Could #Soon Be #Unviable Because of #Antibiotic_Resistant #SUPERBUGS, Doctors Fear.
#Cancer_doctors fear superbugs which can't be treated with antibiotics will soon #remove chemotherapy as a #treatment_option for their patients, a survey has #revealed.
Cancer patients are #more_vulnerable to #infections because the #disease and its treatments can stop the #immune_system from #working_correctly.
Disclaimer: Da...
#working_correctly #immune_system #disease #infections #more_vulnerable #REVEALED #treatment_option #Remove #Cancer_doctors #superbugs #Antibiotic_Resistant #Unviable #soon #cancer #chemotherapy #big_pharma