It is unfathomable to me why you would throw aside a unique and world-established brand like #Twitter and replace it with… X. Literally unfathomable. I cannot measure these fathoms. It's like a bottomless ocean trench of foolishness.
#amiright #ExTwitter #morelike #x #Twitter
Trying again to watch The Pale Blue Eye and finding it a bit impenetrable. I don't think it's the story. I just think that, despite the cast being phenomenal, there's a lot of 'acting' going on. Lots of shouting and glaring, but the American accents from the all-English cast are fucking awful. Every character is annoying me. None more so than Edgar Allan Poe. Edgar Allan Poo, more like. #MoreLike
Mastodon't more like #morelike
In all honesty I can see how this would work fine, just need to reach that critical mass