Hey my friends! Happy #WhiskersWednesday 😍💕. I've been busy procuring many noms from humum cos she's been a bit poorly today, I've been helping her out 😉! It's worked out great for me and Patchy and my ninja bun skills are really coming on nicely... 😂😂 :penny: :abunhdowohop: #morenomsplease #pennybun
#whiskerswednesday #morenomsplease #pennybun
@Friguli @ADailyViolet 😯 I think you're very wise friend, cos I find sometimes my hudad thinks I've found all the noms and, and I haven't, I just get distracted 🙄 and he'd just tidy it away for the next evening + my noms still hidden. He and humum now check it carefully 🧐😂😍 #morenomsplease