Back in 2016 #Wellington city councillor Jo Coughlan ran for Mayor on a platform of #FourLanesToThePlanes and faster traffic flows. She lost despite endorsement from her brother-in-law, Bill English. Voters in Wellington looked at the bigger picture, including #ClimateImpacts in that election.
Will voters in #Election2023 make similar decisions or go for #MoreRoads.
#wellington #fourlanestotheplanes #ClimateImpacts #election2023 #moreroads
The NSW #Koala #Conservation efforts to provide a safer #WildlifeCorridor by erecting a sign have been nullified by speeding motorists after just two weeks. The koala sign has been unearthed and the sign has been stolen.
#BellingenShire #Bellingen #MoreRoads #Detours #Cars #Speeding #Koalas #NorthCoast #Biodiversity #Habitat
#koala #conservation #wildlifecorridor #bellingenshire #bellingen #moreroads #detours #cars #speeding #koalas #northcoast #biodiversity #habitat