Finished up watching the 2022 Fall Anime last night. This season I watched (and finished):
Also watched, but still continuing on are:
I know I have at least one episode left of #ObeyMe
#morethanamarriedcouple #TheLittleLiesWeAllTell #shinobinoittoki #chainsawman #reincarnatedasasword #doityourself #loveflops #bibliophileprincess #imthevillainesssoimtamingthefinalboss #SPYxFAMILY #ravenoftheinnerpalace #bocchitherock #IDOLiSH7 #playitcoolguys #BlueLock #obeyme #anime
Random five minute break in the form of the Fall 2022 #anime I've kept watching (or finished watching in one case).
There were others but I had to trim it down. I am behind on many of these.
#anime #TIGERandBUNNY2 #IDOLiSH7 #morethanamarriedcouple #TheLittleLiesWeAllTell #playitcoolguys #shinobinoittoki #chainsawman #reincarnatedasasword #doityourself #loveflops #bibliophileprincess #obeyme #imthevillainesssoimtamingthefinalboss #SPYxFAMILY #ravenoftheinnerpalace #bocchitherock #BlueLock