This weather would feel great if it was January and coming out of a space heater. Instead, it's tomorrow's forecast. #nmwx #txwx #drinkwater #drinkwateragain #nowdrinkitagain #morewater #stayhydrated #dontstaythirsty #hashtag
#nmwx #txwx #drinkwater #drinkwateragain #nowdrinkitagain #morewater #stayhydrated #dontstaythirsty #hashtag
Today #selfcare looked like sleeping in until 9, lunch with Jen, binding some Isaac, comic books, and caffeine. My body is regretting some of these decisions, but my psyche needed them.
What did it look like for you?
#TakeYourMeds #DrinkMoreWater #MoreWater #MoreWaterThanThat #EatAFood
#selfcare #TakeYourMeds #drinkmorewater #morewater #morewaterthanthat #eatafood