Wer kennt sie nicht, die meist böse, aber zumindest zwielichtig dargestellte Morgaine, Morgana oder auch Morgan Le Fay (la Fée, Feimorgan, Feimurgân oder auch Famurgan/Fâmurgân). Aber auf jeden Fall ist sie bekanntermassen Artus Halbschwester und ist meist mies drauf, da sie ja ihre ganzen Kräfte an Merlin verloren hat und diese doch gerne wieder hätte.
#dantesverlag #morganlefay
I saw a plate of Morgan le Fay recently and loved the design so used it as inspiration for this mari #marilwyd #horseskull #wales #folklore #morganlefay
#MariLwyd #horseskull #wales #folklore #morganlefay
In hindsight this is really interesting. Had Betsy indeed faught like her life is cheap and allowed Brian to kill her, then she would have been lost forever (or brought back “different”).
Also, I am still very confused why Rogue didn’t keep •--|A|--•‘s powers. When she put Carol Danvers in a coma she kept those powers forever. She killed •--|A|--•… so shouldn’t she still be blue?
#MastodonMarvelites #Excalibur #XMen #Apocalypse #CaptainBritain #MorganLeFay #Rogue #BetsyBraddock #BrianBraddock
#mastodonmarvelites #excalibur #xmen #apocalypse #captainbritain #morganlefay #rogue #betsybraddock #brianbraddock
Morgan Le Fay: #draweveryday #ded2022 #morganlefay #arthurianlegend #arthurian #myth
#draweveryday #ded2022 #morganlefay #arthurianlegend #arthurian #myth
Happy to be here! I guess the best #introduction would be a pile of hashtags, hobbies, and interests. Not sure what i'll be posting about yet so lets go for it!
#queerliberation #anarchy #antifascism #sapphic #satanism #blackmetal #dsbm #doommetal #noisemusic #punk #noise #reading #writer #editor #zines #poetry #sapphicromance #queerfiction #sapphicfiction #dnd #ttrpg #tabetopgames #magicthegathering #cassettes #food #swordandsorcery #arthurianlegend #morganlefay #musicproduction #synths #exmormon #parrots
#Introduction #queerliberation #anarchy #antifascism #sapphic #satanism #blackmetal #dsbm #doommetal #noisemusic #punk #noise #reading #writer #editor #zines #poetry #sapphicromance #queerfiction #sapphicfiction #dnd #ttrpg #tabetopgames #magicthegathering #cassettes #food #swordandsorcery #ArthurianLegend #morganlefay #musicproduction #synths #exmormon #parrots
Happy to be here! I guess the best #introduction would be a pile of hashtags, hobbies, and interests. Not sure what i'll be posting about yet so lets go for it!
#queerliberation #anarchy #antifascism #sapphic #blackmetal #VampyricBlackMetal #dsbm #doommetal #noisemusic #punk #noise #reading #writer #editor #zines #poetry #sapphicromance #queerfiction #sapphicfiction #dnd #ttrpg #tabetopgames #magicthegathering #cassettes #food #swordandsorcery #arthurianlegend #morganlefay #musicproduction #synths #parrots
#Introduction #queerliberation #anarchy #antifascism #sapphic #blackmetal #VampyricBlackMetal #dsbm #doommetal #noisemusic #punk #noise #reading #writer #editor #zines #poetry #sapphicromance #queerfiction #sapphicfiction #dnd #ttrpg #tabetopgames #magicthegathering #cassettes #food #swordandsorcery #ArthurianLegend #morganlefay #musicproduction #synths #parrots