Good morning, my lovelies. It's MONDAY and this is how I feel after a weekend of peopling. It was lovely but my social battery is exceedingly low right now. I'm so thankful it's Monday and I can hide in my office for a few days.
I hope you have a brilliant week. Let me know what you're up to. 💙
#goodmorning #morgansmusings #authorofmastodon
Good morning, my lovelies. It's FRIDAY!
I had a great time last night, although I couldn't eat all of dinner! The portion was HUGE. Very good value for money though - 16€ for a main and a drink - at restaurant prices.
Let me know what you're up to, and what the weekend holds for you. I'm peopling all weekend 😲 Wish me luck!
#goodmorning #morgansmusings #authorofmastodon
Good morning, my lovelies. In case the picture hasn't tipped you off, school's back in session so it's #LIBRARYDAY!!! Today's beauty is the Strahov Library in Prague, Czech Republic. How gorgeous is that?!
What are your plans for today? Doing anything amazing? Visiting any libraries? Let me know. And have fun! 💙
#libraryday #goodmorning #morgansmusings #authorsofmastodon
Good Morning, my lovelies. It's TUESDAY and, hopefully, I'll get a full day at my desk. Every year, I forget how many interruptions there are in the first week back at school.
Today, with not knowing how interrupted I'm going to be, I'm going to continue researching. I love reading how the stories have changed over the years and the different versions in different countries. Maybe I'm just sad!
What does Tuesday hold for you? 💙
#goodmorning #morgansmusings #authorsofmastodon
Good morning, my lovelies. It's MONDAY.
I'm back at my writing desk but not writing as yet. Instead, I'm researching the different variations of the Brothers Grimm stories I want to retell, trying to find the perfect fit for each of the brothers.
On a positive note, MARELLA is now available in all formats, including paperback and hardcover. It only took Amazon four days to do it this time, instead of six weeks as it was with Sealed with a Curse! 💙
Good morning, my lovelies! It's FRIDAY and a new month, which means the summer holiday is nearly over. I'll be back at my desk come Monday.
It's RE-RELEASE DAY for Marella today. My heart still skips a beat whenever I release a new book baby, followed by a new book slump the days after, so I'm glad it's a Friday so I can keep busy over the weekend and hopefully avoid that.
I hope you have a brilliant Friday and weekend. Catch you soon. Have fun! 💙
Good morning, my lovelies. It's WEDNESDAY and Big Sis arrives tonight!!! Can't wait! 💙
According to Amazon, my proof should arrive today as well. I can't wait to see what that looks like IRL too.
I still haven't figured out which story to write next but I do have a better idea about which fairytales to rewrite. That's okay though, as I'm taking the next week off.
Have a great Wednesday and let me know what you're up to. Have fun! 💙
#goodmorning #morgansmusings #authorsofmastodon
Good morning, my lovelies. It's FRIDAY!!! And it's going to be a hot one here in Germany, so I may just melt. 🥵
I didn't finish the hardcover yesterday as I got lost in a YouTube rabbit hole. I found some great new (to me) music to listen to. So that's what I'll be doing today, once I've done the shopping. I will absolutely be avoiding going outside as much as possible!
I hope you have a brilliant weekend. Stay cool, stay warm, whichever works. 💙
Good morning, my lovelies. It's FRIDAY and I only know that because I checked my computer before looking for memes! 🤣 Honestly, I have no idea what day it is when the Puds are at home!
I'm halfway through the formatting for the hardcover, which I'm hoping to finish today. I'll be happy with that. My paperback proof still hasn't arrived LOL. I mean, come on, I ordered it on Tuesday! 🤣
Have a brilliant Thursday, whatever your plans. Have fun 💙
#goodmorning #morgansmusings #authorsofmastodon
Good morning, my lovelies. It's WEDNESDAY and this seemed perfect after yesterday's picture! 🤣
The good news is I finished the formatting for the paperback yesterday (eventually) and uploaded it. I also ordered my proof so now I have to wait!
Today, I'm going to finish off the hardcover edition.
What are you up to today? If it's something good, I hope you have fun. If it's not something you're looking forward to, then good luck. 💙
#goodmorning #morgansmusings #authorsofmastodon
Good morning, my lovelies. It's TUESDAY! And I'm still formatting! This is the worst part for me. Not the writing, not the editing, but the formatting. Because it has to be right for the Kindle, Paperback, Hardcover - and sometimes other sites too.
All the memes I could find were about Taco Tuesday. Is Taco Tuesday a real thing? Have you had tacos? What did you think of them?
I hope you have a brilliant Tuesday. Let me know what you're up to. Have fun. 💙
Good morning, my lovelies. It's MONDAY! What will this week hold for you?
I got all the ARCs sent out on Friday last week so now I'm a huge bag of nerves. To help counter those, I'll be formatting the paperback and hardcover versions, as well as sorting out the full-wrap covers.
I hope you have a brilliant start to the week. Enjoy all you can! Have fun. 💙
#goodmorning #morgansmusings #authorsofmastodon
Good morning, my lovelies. It's FRIDAY. I don't know about time to pawty but it's definitely time to get the Marella ARCs sent out! If you haven't received your copy in about 8 hours or so, please let me know!
I hope you have a great weekend! Have fun, and I'll see you on Monday. 💙
#goodmorning #morgansmusings #authorsofmastodon
Good morning, my lovelies. It's THURSDAY!
I'm still working on the ARCs but they should be going out tomorrow at the latest. I'm sure you can't wait as the interest in Marella has been overwhelming. *spot the sarcasm!*
Catch you later and have fun! 💙
#goodmorning #morgansmusings #authorsofmastodon
Good morning, my lovelies. It's WEDNESDAY and, apart from taking my friend to the doctors, I'll be working on getting the ARCs ready to go. If you want one, there's still time to sign up!
I was really pleased with myself yesterday. I managed to get all the formatting done for Marella on Kindle. I'll be working on the paperback and hardcover versions next.
I hope you have a brilliant day. Have fun! 💙
#goodmorning #morgansmusings #authorsofmastodon
Good morning, my lovelies. It's TUESDAY and I'm back working on Marella! I've woken up with a bit of a sniffle and cough, but I'm hoping it's only a 24-hour thing. Summer colds are the worst!
What are your plans for today? Anything interesting? Let me know and, whatever you do, have fun! 💙
#goodmorning #morgansmusings #authorsofmastodon
Good morning, my lovelies. It's MONDAY and Mr Shep is still on vacation. So that means no editing or formatting will be done. Instead, I'm hoping the bed will be made up in my office for when Big Sis arrives in a couple of weeks. She'll have a proper bed this time, instead of an air bed! Woot!!
Mr Shep is back in the home office tomorrow, so look out, Marella. I'll be coming for you!
Have a wonderful Monday, and have fun! 💙
#goodmorning #morgansmusings #authorsofmastodon
Hey, lovelies. It's FRIDAY! I won't say good morning as it's really not anymore, for me, at least.
I didn't get much work done on Marella yesterday as Little Pud and I spent the day together, with Mr Shep being at work, and Big Pud on a double sleepover.
I hope you all have a fantastic weekend. Thanks to everyone for commenting on posts, but remember, you can post your own too! Take care and have fun! See you on Monday. 💙
#GoodMorning... sort of
#goodmorning #morgansmusings #authorsofmastodon
Good morning, my lovelies. It's TUESDAY! And what does that hold for you?
For me, I'm continuing with my edits. Still waiting on a response from one beta, but if I've heard nothing by the time I'm done with the other comments, then I'm moving forwards anyway. I want it all set up and ready to go before Big Sis arrives on the 23rd of August so I can sit back and enjoy her being here.
I hope you have a terrific Tuesday. Have fun! 💙
#goodmorning #morgansmusings #authorsofmastodon
Good morning, my lovelies. It's FRIDAY.
Today, I'm going shopping with Little Pud, checking on my friend, and working on Marella. This weekend, we've got a silver wedding anniversary party to go to, followed by working on the house on Sunday. What are you up to?
Whatever your plans, have a good one! 💙
#goodmorning #morgansmusings #authorsofmastodon