Time to start playing Mork Borg tonight!!! #MorkBorg #TTRPG
@beardedgoblin yeah it is. English speaking audience might like warhammer-esque titles. Or you could #morkborg it up to „Wäffenknächt“ 😂😂😂
What about Fighting-Men as a head nod to the class in original #dnd? To be honest „Fighting-Man“ always makes me think of obnoxious dudes gettin into pub brawl
I will be traveling to #NYC , #Brooklyn , and #WashingtonDC in the first two weeks of October. Any tips for #buying or #playing #TTRPG and #TableTopGames ? I am especially interested in #OSR / #NSR , #MörkBorg , #Indiegames in general, and #SavageWorlds . I also love #minatures and #terrain for #ForbiddenPsalm or #BattleTech . I am also happy talking about and running my own games and adventures :) #PnP #PnPde #PnPTravelAdvice
#nyc #brooklyn #washingtondc #Buying #playing #ttrpg #tabletopgames #osr #nsr #morkborg #indiegames #savageworlds #minatures #terrain #ForbiddenPsalm #battletech #pnp #pnpde #pnptraveladvice
#RPGaDay2023 Day 31: „Favourite RPG of all-time"
Argh…this is a tough one. If I take the time i actually played specific games as a measure, the answer must be: variations of #dnd, old school variants for the most part, retro clones, and modern hacks such as #TheBlackHack #DCC #ShadowDark and #FiveTorchesDeep. I also include games with recognizable #dnDNA in my most favourite-bag (#Mörkborg etc.).
#rpgaday2023 #dnd #theblackhack #dcc #shadowdark #FiveTorchesDeep #dndna #morkborg
@Rorschachhamster Aus unserer #MörkBorg Runde: Der Hodenschädel. Das war ein Endboss im Stil von japanischen Computerrollenspielen mit drei Entwicklungsphasen. Das Ganze geht auf einen Nuschler zurück und wurde dann von @georgfk als Grafik umgesetzt. Wird mal Zeit, dass ich die Stats ausarbeite und das Ganze veröffentliche. Danke für die Erinnerung! Und den Hodenbold finde ich auch sehr gelungen.
@Morgunin @Jensenator …I would probably choose #DeathZiggurat for #MörkBorg or The Cross Stitch
23) COOLEST looking RPG product / book
Have to catch up, because I spent so much time thinking about this yesterday and couldn’t decide. There’s so many incredibly cool looking games out there. #Vaesen, #FateForge, #Symbaroum, #Numenera, #CYBorg, #MörkBorg, the #OSE boxed sets, etc.
I’m going to go with #TheOneRing, though. The art direction for both is different, but I think they’re both equally cool in their own way. They capture the essence of Tolkien and are beautiful books.
#rpgaday2023 #Vaesen #Fateforge #symbaroum #numenera #cyborg #morkborg #OSE #TheOneRing
#rpgaday2023 Day 23: Most Complex / Simple RPG I play
Most simple: #morkborg. Most complex: #WorldsWithoutNumber.
What keeps me from picking up more complex games? Parenting + full time job makes it hard for me to make time for gaming. I don‘t want to loose precious playtime bc I have to navigate complex rules. 30+ years of playing #ttrpgs taught me a lesson: the more complex the game, the slower actual game play becomes. Bodo Heye don‘t have the time 1/2
#rpgaday2023 #morkborg #WorldsWithoutNumber #ttrpgs
23. #MorkBorg is the coolest looking book I’ve ever seen. I would love to have a physical copy, but have stopped myself time and again because there’s no opportunity to play it currently and limited shelf space. See Day 16 previously.
(edited because eepy)
@MikeFerdinando agree: it is still an excellent game, even without the art. I don‘t think that Mörk Borg is a style over substance-case as some complained or merely an artifact. The graphic design in #morkborg is a medium to convey the vibe of the game, not just lustre. It is another layer of information so to say, one that saves us from walls of fluff text 🙏 The fact that there is a growing no of MB hacks tells me: the game mechanics work just fine
#RPGaDAY2023 Day 23 - Coolest looking RPG product.
#TrophyGoldRPG 🖤🖤🖤
The evocative artwork conveys the themes of the game perfectly well.
…also everything #DCC is an eye-pleaser to me (#StillBetterArtThanDocumenta) and I love how #Mörkborg -ian ikonography (it is not just the core book anymore, i include the 3rd party material as well) supports the vibe of this terrific game. A visual design that wanted to break rules gave birth to a canonical style: this IS how MB stuff looks like.
#rpgaday2023 #TrophyGoldRPG #dcc #stillbetterartthandocumenta #morkborg
#RPGaDay2023 23) COOLEST looking #RPG product / book
Today's question shows very clearly that I am not part of the #ttrpg mainstream. The metal poser style of #MörkBorg / #MorkBorg and #CyBorg makes my eyes bleed, certainly not with enthusiasm!
Put in a temporal context, the aforementioned #Underground rocked a lot!
However, I'm still thinking.
#rpgaday2023 #rpg #ttrpg #morkborg #cyborg #underground
[23] Coolest looking RPG book … so, today is #MörkBorg day, right? I never played it nor am I especially interested, but it’s the first to come to mind. Great #coffeetable RPG.
But actually … most RPG books I own are beautiful. If they were not; I wouldn’t have bought a physical copy.
#Spire #Agon #BitD #BandOfBlades Engel
#rpgaday2023 #morkborg #coffeetable #spire #agon #bitd #bandofblades
The ENGLISH Teaser
of my #MorkBorg adventure TEMPLE OF TREACHERY
is released!
Enjoy your D12 Mindbending Mushroom Effects:
17) FUNNIEST Game you’ve played
This would probably be Paranoia, though it’s been ages. I’d love to try #MörkBorg, #CyBorg and #PirateBorg.
The most consistently funny games are just regular sessions in RPGs. I appreciate the situational comedy and irony that sometimes arises during gaming and my dry sense of humor delights in this.
#rpgaday2023 #morkborg #cyborg #PirateBorg
@Rollenspielblog es ist gut, weil es wirklich gut aufzeigt, was #morkborg ausmacht und man kann es echt gut in 4 Stunden runterspielen