@emmettoconnell Morton Police Chief Morningstar was caught out several times before without consequences by his previous employers, allowed to resign and be hired somewhere else in law enforcement. The LE System let this happen, it’s not just because he is a bad apple. Plus we should not be surprised that Morningstar serves on the Executive Board of the State Republican Party setting GOP policy at the state level. #chronline #morningstar #waleg
#waleg #morningstar #chronline
Excellent story, thorough review of the illegal and gross behavior of Morton Police Chief Morningstar. Caught out several times before without consequences by his previous employers, allowed to resign and be hired somewhere else in law enforcement. The LE System let this happen, it’s not just because he is a bad apple. Plus: Morningstar serves as the state committeeman for the Lewis County Republicans setting GOP policy at the state level. #chronline #morningstar #waleg
#waleg #morningstar #chronline
Black Gothic War Morningstar
#swordsmith #steelart #bladesmith #detroit #renaissance #medieval #fantasy #gothic #swordart #ArchangelSteel #art #steel #swordartonline #cosplay #morningstar
#swordsmith #steelart #bladesmith #detroit #renaissance #medieval #fantasy #gothic #swordart #archangelsteel #art #steel #swordartonline #cosplay #morningstar
Black Gothic War Morningstar
#swordsmith #steelart #bladesmith #detroit #renaissance #medieval #fantasy #gothic #swordart #ArchangelSteel #art #steel #swordartonline #cosplay #morningstar
#swordsmith #steelart #bladesmith #detroit #renaissance #medieval #fantasy #gothic #swordart #archangelsteel #art #steel #swordartonline #cosplay #morningstar
Dbrs: conferma rating #ItaliaBBB, rischi bilanciati e politica fiscale prudente
#Roma, 28 apr. - (#Adnkronos) - L'agenzia #DBRS ha confermato il rating BBB della #RepubblicaItaliana con un outlook che resta #Stabile, una decisione - si spiega - motivata con la visione di "rischi bilanciati". In particolare "l'impegno del governo per una politica di bilancio prudente, insieme a una solida crescita nominale, fa ben sperare per una continuazione della riduzione del rapporto debito/PIL nel medio termine" confermando il fatto che "lo scorso anno il debito pubblico italiano è stato migliore del previsto, attestandosi al 144,4% del PIL, con un calo cumulativo di oltre dieci punti percentuali rispetto al picco del 154,9% nel 2020".
Dbrs sottolinea come "l'aumento significativo del costo degli interessi richiederà ulteriori progressi nel risanamento dei conti pubblici e una crescita sostenuta per portare il rapporto debito/PIL su una tendenza duratura al ribasso". L'agenzia ricorda come "stanno gradualmente emergendo ritardi nell'esecuzione del #Pnrr e un possibile aggiustamento di alcuni progetti verso quelli di più rapida attuazione potrebbe ostacolare l'impatto del piano sulla crescita del Pil". "#DBRS #Morningstar - continua la nota - ritiene che continuare ad aumentare gli investimenti pubblici e progredire con le riforme sia la chiave per aumentare la crescita potenziale del PIL e, a sua volta, migliorare la sostenibilità del debito pubblico italiano".
28-4-2023 22:33 #Libero Quotidiano https://www.liberoquotidiano.it https://www.liberoquotidiano.it/news/adnkronos/35650972/dbrs-conferma-rating-italia-bbb-rischi-bilanciati-e-politica-fiscale-prudente.html
#italiabbb #roma #adnkronos #dbrs #repubblicaitaliana #stabile #pnrr #morningstar #libero
Erin Genia could use our help with this unique and powerful art project.
#eringenia #sisseton #Indegenous #nativeart #dakota #nicoletttower #decolonize #southdakota #morningstar #publicart
#publicart #morningstar #southdakota #decolonize #nicoletttower #dakota #nativeart #Indegenous #sisseton #eringenia
Some various morningstars we've made over the past year.
#ArchangelSteel #Detroit #MadeinDetroit #MadeinMichigan #MadeinUSA #PureMichigan #steelart #bladesmith #swordsmith #steel #leathercraft #art #artist #morningstar #morningstarmace #LOTR #RPG #DnD #LARP #LARPing #Renaissance #medieval #Gothic #fantasy
#archangelsteel #detroit #madeindetroit #madeinmichigan #madeinusa #puremichigan #steelart #bladesmith #swordsmith #steel #leathercraft #art #artist #morningstar #morningstarmace #lotr #rpg #dnd #larp #larping #renaissance #medieval #gothic #fantasy
#MorningStar by #PierceBrown S. 170
"You and I should be able to say anything to each other. That's how this works. It's how we work. We don't walk on eggshells. We talk to each other. Even if we say shit that's hard to hear."
#MorningStar by #PierceBrown S. 143
"And as we pretend to be brave, we become so."
#MorningStar by #PierceBrown S. 60
"How many mothers have prayed to see their sons, their daughters return from war only to realize the war has kept them, the world has poisoned them, and they'll never be the same?"
#MorningStar by #PierceBrown S. 55-56
"I thought you were dead", I say. "Nah. Death chewed on me a bit. Then spat my bloody ass back out."
(Darrow & Narol)
#MorningStar by #PierceBrown S. 170
"You and I should be able to say anything to each other. That's how this works. It's how we work. We don't walk on eggshells. We talk to each other. Even if we say shit that's hard to hear."
#MorningStar by #PierceBrown S. 60
"How many mothers have prayed to see their sons, their daughters return from war only to realize the war has kept them, the world has poisoned them, and they'll never be the same?"
LOOK!!! 👀 A New Product Line from Archangel Steel!!
Musical Instruments! 🎶🎵🪕🥁🎻🎸🎺🎷🎹🎼
"Rattle-Ready, Functional Art"
#ArchangelSteel #detroit #Morningstar #swordsmith #bladesmith #bladesmith #art #artist #fun #music #musicalinstruments #new #April #aprilfools
#archangelsteel #detroit #morningstar #swordsmith #bladesmith #art #artist #fun #music #musicalinstruments #new #april #aprilfools
#MorningStar Circulation: c 10,000 (in 2008)
#Labour membership - 432,000 Dec 2021 (possibly less now)
2019 election vote: 10.3 mill
2017 GE vote: 12.9 mill
1997 GE vote: 13.5 mill
Not sure this campaign will be that significant....
Meine Mitleserin & ich haben zusammen #MorningStar von #PierceBrown beendet und AARRRGH! Es hat mich so verstört, aber es war so gut geschrieben und ich bin noch nicht fertig mit diesen Emotionen! :O
Es hat richtig Spaß gemacht die Reihe mit jemandem zusammen zu lesen (bzw. zu hören).
Da ich mit #MorningStar bis zum Wochenende warten muss, höre ich noch #DerZopf von #LaetitiaColombani. Den Geschichten der drei Frauen zu folgen ist sehr spannend, auch wenn mich der Ich-Erzähler nervt. Ich bin gespannt ob und wie die Geschichten verflochten werden...
#morningstar #derzopf #laetitiacolombani
Am Wochenende höre ich mit meiner Mitleserin das Finale von #MorningStar von #PierceBrown. Ich bin so gespannt wie es ausgeht, ob es einen Abschluss der Trilogie gibt oder ob es mit Band 4 nahtlos weitergeht mit der Action (das vermutlich sowieso, aber ich hoffe auf das Besiegen eines Antagonisten und damit einen Teilabschluss oder so).
#Analysts weigh that #pharma companies which used public moneys to develop #mRNA #vaccines and then made gargantuan profits through public tenders are about to 'fall off cliff' or, if you prefer, land hard.
The steepest fall is expected among champions - #Pfizer / #BioNTech and #Moderna.
Assessments, by #Morningstar or #JPMorgan, lack some variables, including ongoing investigation of private deal about public tender made between #vonderLeyen and #Bourla.
#analysts #pharma #mrna #vaccines #pfizer #biontech #moderna #morningstar #jpmorgan #vonderleyen #bourla