First port of the day, Georgetown, Grand Cayman. The sunrise is beautiful and the breeze feels amazing. Time for a fun day.
#travelingman #grandcayman #morningsunshine
I'm predicting this will be my morning tomorrow. Guess I need to get up earlier and make sure the coffee is extra strong...
#JohnnyT #SamElJack #Coffee #MorningSunshine #BloodstainedClothing #ItAintMurderIfYourAProfessional #PlopFriction #IsMyTieOnStraight
#johnnyt #sameljack #coffee #morningsunshine #bloodstainedclothing #itaintmurderifyouraprofessional #plopfriction #ismytieonstraight
Did you know that morning rhymes with muffins ?!
So, good muffins everyone 🥳
#foodisloveinanylanguage #morningsunshine