#introduction #sciencefiction #fandom #ubuntu #mandrake #slackware #esoteric #vic20 #usenet #android #wikipedia #finland #fantasy #angband #umoria #moria #chess #gameoflife #math #astronomy #reenacment #primitivetechnology #mysteries and more hashtags later.
Edward Kelley was the first article I edited on wikipedia in 2003 (I've been on wikipedia for a bit) . My great great grand aunt was reputedly a powerful witch. She got swindled in a land deal and made the land in question fallow. Apparently to this day nothing grows on it.
My own experiences for a large part I will only talk about in general terms, allusively or both. I do supplemental introductions later. Here are a few more hashtags:
#kinky #centreleft #Tarot #IChing #dice #scrying #jung #heinlein #synchronicity #morphicfield #pratchett #TomHolt #Michaelscottrohan #Tolkien #MelissaScott #annleckie
#introduction #sciencefiction #fandom #ubuntu #mandrake #slackware #esoteric #vic20 #usenet #android #wikipedia #finland #fantasy #angband #umoria #moria #chess #gameoflife #math #astronomy #reenacment #primitivetechnology #mysteries #kinky #centreleft #Tarot #IChing #dice #scrying #jung #heinlein #synchronicity #morphicfield #pratchett #TomHolt #michaelscottrohan #tolkien #MelissaScott #annleckie