How do morphogen signals instruct stem cells to acquire a specific neuronal identity? A #preprint by Neal Amin, Kevin Kelley and team provides us with a roadmap. 🧫 🛣️ 🧠
Great new #preLight from Monica Tambalo which includes a response from the authors...👀
#preLight 👉
#preprint #prelight #morphogens #organoids #stemcells #neuroscience
"[...] varying the duration of #BMP #signaling leads to either pluripotent, mesodermal, and extraembryonic states, while varying the concentration does not cause efficient mesodermal differentiation at any dose [...] appropriately timed pulse of BMP induces #hPSCs to a mesodermal fate more efficiently that sustained signaling at any concentration. [...] this effect is due to a combinatorial interpretation of the applied BMP signal and induced endogenous #Wnt signaling."
#DevBio #CellFate #GermLayers #morphogens #Differentiation
#differentiation #hPSCs #BMP #signaling #Wnt #DevBio #cellfate #GermLayers #morphogens
New review on ion channels and their contribution to morphogenesis - by our colleagues
#weCUdevbio #devbio #signaling #morphogens
#weCUdevbio #DevBio #signaling #morphogens