@efi The notion of #Transhumanism without #MorphologicalFreedom is missing a large part of the point, indeed.
#transhumanism #morphologicalfreedom
@ellenor2000 @thomasjwebb @LunaDragofelis #MorphologicalFreedom and chosen identity for all.
The reliance on a single name has always felt like a liability to me anyway.
#MorphologicalFreedom be like...
"You don't need to be a male to have a penis. Everyone can have a penis, as a treat."
@22 @mekkaokereke @SexyCyborg It also touches upon #MorphologicalFreedom, you should be able to be whatever you want to be.
The same way that in #VR, your presentation is a matter of choice and taste, not constraint introduced by tertiary factors beyond your control.
@jgg @ceresbzns @mainframed767 It is indeed not superior to current user interfaces for accomplishing the same tasks.
It's more effective for tasks they can't accomplish as well though, like some types of 3D design.
I don't think work use can really be considered in the same framework as voluntary socialization, because work is inherently stressful and involves a lot of masking & nonsense professionalism.
The case for #MorphologicalFreedom, social or solitary I think is an important one.
@enigmatico Anti-corporate & anti-pollution matters aside...
Personally speaking, I don't want to accept the way I am.
I have different issues, but resigning myself to them isn't something I want to do.
The lack of access to #MorphologicalFreedom is part of why I despite #meatspace so much. I shouldn't have to deal with a body I profoundly dislike for some trivial fluke of genetics, and yet here I am.
I should get to decide who and what I want to be.
#morphologicalfreedom #meatspace
There's apparently some drama about #MrBeast
What I find very funny is that a lot of the whining by the detractors amount ends up boiling down to refusing to admit any notion of #MorphologicalFreedom.
And yet, they don't see the inherent malice of such a broad denial of agency and #SelfDetermination.
#mrbeast #morphologicalfreedom #selfdetermination
Hey everyone, I'm a cute raccoon girl, about one meter tall, with grey fur and black markings. I don't wear clothing because I don't want to and no one can force me to.
Just another reminder that a #fursona is an assertion of #MorphologicalFreedom.
#fursona #morphologicalfreedom
They asked me to focus on the #community , #environment and #technology aspects of #solarpunk , so I'm thinking about remixing it a little:
Maybe we could deconstruct #TransHumanism and #morphologicalFreedom into "before the society can accept transhumanity, it needs to accept differently abled"?
I don't want to just keep repeating "and in chapter three we learned that the protagonist is legally blind!". That's... cheap.
Let's re-imagine the society a little.
#writing #morphologicalfreedom #transhumanism #solarpunk #technology #environment #community
Reminder that using fursona pictures as avatars and other representations, describing yourself as your fursona, and refusing to post IRL selfies outside of a costume or furry-edit, are all assertions of #MorphologicalFreedom. You have the right to choose how you present yourself, as much as you have the right to make choices for your own body, and you have the right to be perceived as some sort of wacky anthro animal character on the internet. Don't let the authoritarian oppressors force you to do anything less.
Embrace #freedom. Embrace #furry. Reject morphological-absolutism. Reject #authoritarianism / #facism.
You deserve to be what you want to be, and whatever you want to be is beautiful.
#morphologicalfreedom #freedom #furry #authoritarianism #facism
When the thought of people losing their gender dysphoria (not like pretending it's not there but actually overcoming it), but still honoring their desired body changes and interacting with these concepts from a euphoria concept instead of a dysphoria center sounds like a really really good possible outcome for an individual. #MorphologicalFreedom #BodyEuphoria
#bodyeuphoria #morphologicalfreedom