Majka is very fast (approx. 1M words per second) free morphological analyzer #Majka including databases for #Czech, #Slovak, #Polish, #Swedish, #German, #French, #Italian, #English, #Portuguese, #Catalan, #Welsh, #Spanish, #Galician, #Asturian and #Russian.
#majka #czech #slovak #polish #swedish #german #french #italian #english #portuguese #catalan #welsh #spanish #galician #asturian #russian #morphology #debian #luinux
"We found that the hurricanes affected toe #morphology differently between forest and urban sites. In particular, toepads of the forefeet were longer and narrower in forest, but wider in urban populations, compared to pre-hurricane measures."
Michaud et al
#WorldLizardDay #lizards #reptiles #science
#morphology #worldlizardday #lizards #reptiles #science
Zaitsu W, Jin M (2023) Distinguishing ChatGPT(-3.5, -4)-generated and human-written papers through Japanese stylometric analysis. PLOS ONE 18(8): e0288453. #OpenAccess #OA #Research #Article #Japan #Japanese #Language #ChatGPT #AI #ArtificialIntelligence #SocialPsychology #Social #Psychology #MachineLearning #Linguistics #Morphology #Universities #Academia #Academic #Academics @psychology @linguistics
#socialpsychology #machinelearning #linguistics #morphology #universities #academia #academic #academics #openaccess #oa #research #article #japan #japanese #language #chatgpt #ai #artificialintelligence #social #psychology
Geometric #Morphometric Assessment of Toe Shape in Forest and #Urban #Lizards Following Hurricane Disturbances
Michaud, Travis Hagey et al
"We found that the #hurricanes affected toe #morphology differently between forest and urban sites."
#morphometric #urban #lizards #hurricanes #morphology #science
Coghill, Eleanor. (2020). Neo-Aramaic. In Arabic and contact-induced change (pp. 371–402). Language Science Press. #OpenAccess #OA #Linguistics #Language #Languages #Lexicon #Phonology #Morphology #Syntax @linguistics
#oa #lexicon #morphology #linguistics #languages #syntax #openaccess #language #phonology
Noorlander, P. M. (24 Aug. 2021). Ergativity and Other Alignment Types in Neo-Aramaic. Leiden, The Netherlands: Brill. doi: #OpenAccess #OA #Linguistics #Language #Languages #Syntax #Morphology #Ebook #Ebooks #Book #Books #Bookstodon @linguistics @bookstodon
#books #bookstodon #ebook #ebooks #book #openaccess #oa #linguistics #language #languages #syntax #morphology
#CfP for a workshop on Evaluative #Morphology in Berlin & online - I'm happy that I can contribute a #dataviz tutorial for PhD researchers:
Lichen morphology (no, the other kind) in Merlin Sheldrake's book "Entangled Life"
#LichenSubscribe #lichen #biology #fungiverse #morphology #science
#lichensubscribe #lichen #biology #fungiverse #morphology #science
@ewdocparris Some languages have inclusive we vs. exclusive we. That is, two different pronouns. The first includes speaker and listener, while the second excludes the listener. See
1) #til #Bulgarian #language had lost #cases for #nouns! (nominally it has 2, but one of them is #vocative, and you rarely call tables. #Pronouns still have 3 cases)
2) love this type of coding of #morphology into #English (from Wiki). Does it have a name?
#til #bulgarian #language #cases #nouns #vocative #pronouns #morphology #english
The standard #translation for "dictator" in #Mandarin #Chinese is 独裁者 dúcáizhě, which is morphologically interesting because it ends on "-zhe", one of the most versatile elements for creating nouns refering to persons (sometimes similar to English "-er", e.g. 读/读者 dú/dúzhě read/reader ) and here with the base 独裁 dúcái meaning "dictatorship". Perhaps more interesting: while #Wikipedia in its English and Chinese editions lists 毛泽东 Máo Zédōng as an example, he does not feature in mainland China's #BaikeBaidu 百度百科 bǎidù bǎikē. In the long lists they provide, modern China is represented by two safe non-communist rule choices, 蒋介石 Jiǎng Jièshí (=Chiang Kai-shek) and 袁世凯 Yuán Shìkǎi. At the same time, they have Magaret Thatcher for Great Britain.
#morphology #wordformation
#wordformation #morphology #baikebaidu #wikipedia #chinese #mandarin #translation
A New Era of #morphological Investigations: Reviewing Methods for Comparative #Anatomical Studies-
"Modern #morphological analyses are based primarily on the use of several key techniques..."
K L Ford (@kassthefish ) et al
#morphological #anatomical #morphology #science #scientists #womeninstem
New paper in Science China Life Sciences using @gbif mediated data:
The genetic basis of the leafy #seadragon’s unique #camouflage #morphology and avenues for its efficient #conservation derived from habitat modeling
#CiteTheDOI: ❌
#seadragon #camouflage #morphology #conservation #CiteTheDOI
Reading Jackendoff & Audring (2020) *The Texture of the Lexicon*.
Really enjoying it, as always with an eye toward handling phenomena in #nonconcatenative #morphology that are both regular and productive.
In the 2nd week of our Information Service Engineering Lecture, we started with the basics of natural language processing. We are talking about NLP applications and techniques before we dive deeper into morphology and learn how to construct words in a language like English.
#nlp #morphology #ChatGPT #linguistics @fizise @KIT_Karlsruhe #AIart #stablediffusionart #ise2023
#nlp #morphology #chatgpt #linguistics #aiart #stablediffusionart #ise2023
Saw the quiet and very moving 2022 movie "Return to Dust" on Friday. Even had a #compoundWatch moment:
The male lead had 熊猫血 xiong2mao1 + xue4 panda + blood --- turns out that this is a colloquial term for Rh-negative blood type. Why? Apparently because that blood type is so rare in Asian populations (according to Wikipedia 0.3% vs. 15% in European populations), and since Pandas are also rare, we get "panda blood", so a blood type as rare as Pandas. #semanticTransparency #morphology
#morphology #semantictransparency #compoundwatch
"The increased use of imaging technology in #biological research has drastically altered #morphological studies in recent decades ..."
by Ford et al
#Morphology #specimens #research #sciencetwitter #biology #organisms
#biological #morphological #morphology #specimens #research #sciencetwitter #biology #organisms
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#morphology #science #3d #biology #art