You can also "purchase" powerful morphemes (words like "ultra," "arrow," or "meteor") by discarding two morphemes from your hand. In any case, you graduate if you make it through all five challenges without expending all your morphemes before the end of the final challenge.
You're not really going to do much roleplaying with this game. It's more of a goofy cooperative word puzzle, like if you played #CodeNames with roles. Still, it seems like it could be a good time.
#codenames #ttrpg #morpholomancy
To overcome a challenge, the players roll a d10. The higher the roll, the better. They gain bonuses to their roll if their spells addresses the Type and Threat that composes the challenge (in my example, Magic Resistant is the Type and Saw Rune is the Threat), as well as if the spell is composed of more than two morphemes (+1 per morpheme after the 1st). The trick is that you're likely to expend your morphemes as you use them, so you need to manage them over 5 challenges.
Read one of my recently arrived #ZineQuest rewards, a micro-RPG called #Morpholomancy, which is more of a cross between a #TTRPG and a #PartyGame. It's very short (11 pages long). The concept is that all but one of the players are students of magic in a world where spells are based on combinations of morphemes and words, and they're taking their final test before becoming official Morpholomancers. The remaining player administers the test, which consists of 5 randomly generated tests.
#Zinequest #morpholomancy #ttrpg #partygame
@Czamboni I just backed #Morpholomancy based on your recommendation - Thanks!
February is a good month for #Kickstarter projects and small indie #ttrpgs, and some are true gems.
Here's two recs:
1. #Morpholomancy, a #linguistic #micro-RPG of magical spell-word creation." Yes to #language and linguistics-focused games!
2. #Cloud Empress, an #ecological #fantasy #scifi setting for #MothershipRPG inspired by works like Studio Ghibli's #Nausicaa. I tried it today; it was both evocative and effective at the table.
#kickstarter #ttrpgs #morpholomancy #linguistic #micro #language #cloud #ecological #fantasy #scifi #mothershiprpg #nausicaa