"I will not buy another radio! I will not buy another radio!" I never said anything about #telegraphkey. So now this is what I've become. #amateurradio #hamradio #cw #morsecode #morsecodekey #cwkey #straightkey
#straightkey #cwkey #morsecodekey #morsecode #cw #hamradio #amateurradio #telegraphkey
My mantra... "I will not buy another radio. I will not buy another radio." But I never said anything about a telegraph key.
The American Morse #ultraportapaddle #cw #morsecode Now I can be like #thehamninja Chris @N1CLC . Next up is the elusive #CWMORSE SP4 POTA/SOTA Mini. #amateurradio #hamradio #morsecodekey #cwops #cwop
#cwop #cwops #morsecodekey #hamradio #amateurradio #cwMorse #thehamninja #morsecode #cw #ultraportapaddle