During the week an old Clansman PRC320 Morse key I got from a popular auction site arrived. Yesterday I gave it a clean up and fitted a replacement 3.5mm jack on it.
Got it on the air after finishing the job - I'm guessing for the first time in years. The couple of QSOs I had went well despite a few operator mistakes and I'm really happy with the way it works 😃
The plan is to use this for portable use and on activation's where the knee strap should hopefully help.
RT @NorfolkWastrel@twitter.com
#MerchantNavy #RadioRoom 1985 I sent a lot of telegrams using that #MorseKey the little red digital clock was set to #Zulu or gmt. The small box beside it was a #SideTone generator (piezo sounder) so I could hear what I was sending
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/NorfolkWastrel/status/1599762719095238656
#sidetone #zulu #morsekey #radioroom #merchantnavy
The #Begali #Adventure Dual #MorseKey arrived today and I just had to put everything aside and test it. I also bought the magnetic base and the #kx3 mounting bracket both which proved to be a fantastically inspired choice.
The craftsmanship is amazing and the feel is sublime. It's safe to say I won't think I'll ever part with it. It represents everything I ever wanted in a portable/fixed key.
The service was perfect. TU Pietro and Bruna! Proud to have become one of the elite 🙂
#kx3 #morsekey #adventure #begali
Show us your keys! #morsekeys
Here are the three keys/paddle I keep at my operating position. The Vibroplex Vibrocube, my wonderful Navy Flameproof, and my ZN-HKIII from N3ZN Keys. I probably use the ZB-HKIII the most right now for my SKCC contacts, but the Navy Flameproof is also a joy to use.
Show us your keys!
#morsekeys #skcc #hamradio #amateurradio #morsecode #morsekey