@DL4DE Ich hoffe ja auf einen Kurs bei #cwops. Bis dahin (und auch dann noch) verwende ich zum Lernen den #Morserino mit dem Übungsplan und den Einstellungen der #CW Schule Graz. Aber ein paar Gleichgesinnte zwecks Motivation wäre schon schön.
@F1RUM I also struggled a lot over the years, with many attempts to move through the LCWO lessons and many breaks in between.
What really helped me to finish learning all the characters (now I have to find the courage for my first QSO though) is that I got a #morserino and I started to practice sending in parallel with the LCWO copy training. For me, learning to send really helped to properly memorize all the sounds, way easier than just copying!
@g0tue_CW Look what I ordered and arrived this week 😀 #cw #morserino #cwtraining
Finally built my #Morserino - it was actually a really easy build! Nice. Haven’t really read the manual to know all its functions but I quickly tried trx mode and wrote out my callsign in morse for the first time! I had to guess at “7” because I haven’t actually got that far (in the LCWO order of character learning) yet… 😄
Hello! I'm Tommaso and I got into ham radio a few years back because I was curious about antenna designs and kit builds.
I am currently not QRV (sadly) but planning to be back on the air at some point. In the meantime I am keeping myself busy playing around with a #morserino and trying to learn #cw.