Once in a rare while you accidentally fall into a movie that is far more enjoyable than its reviews suggest. #postapocalyptic #steampunk ? Directed by #PeterJackson? Count me the F in! #mortalengines amazon.com/gp/video/detail/B07L8M2YQY/
#mortalengines #peterjackson #steampunk #postapocalyptic
@Base4ever Tja, #MortalEngines sah genauso schön aus wie #AvatarTheWayOfWater und war auch grotten schlecht, weil man guten Animationen schlechte Story eben nicht ansieht.
#AvatarTheWayOfWater #mortalengines
Die Story interessiert doch heute nicht mehr, das Jahrtausend schöner Bilder hat begonnen.
Bin seit #MortalEngines immer noch traumatisiert von ruinierter Story aber dieser ernsthaft vorgetragenen Argumentation "aber schön sah es doch aus und die Effekte waren überwältigend".
Ist einem dieser Pocahontas-Vergleich usw erst mal präsent... im Nachinein auch armselig: Man trifft in nem Konflikt auf Aliens und dann sind sie nur wie wir in groß und blau mit Neuralink im Haar.
#AvatarTheWayOfWater #mortalengines
@DeathBecumsMe Oh, there was for #divergent, but they really fucked up #mortalengines
Gerade #MortalEngines Band 1 "Krieg der Städte" von #PhilipReeve als Hörbuch zuende gehört. Sehr spannend und mitreißend mit einem nicht ganz so erwartenden Ende. Die nächsten 3 Bände Versprechen dann wohl 35 Stunden weiteren Hörspaß.
Perhaps try these:
#PhilipReeve - young adult target audience. The #MortalEngines series are place to start.
#GeorgeMacDonaldFraser - the #Flashman books are magnificent historical fiction, though are very politically incorrect.
#CSForester - the #Hornblower books are probably the most enjoyable set of books I've read.
#AdrianTchaikovsky - a prolific writer and the best contemporary #scifi I've read after #iainmbanks. "Children of Time" is a good start
#philipreeve #mortalengines #GeorgeMacDonaldFraser #flashman #csforester #hornblower #adriantchaikovsky #SciFi #iainmbanks
Finally rewatched #MortalEngines first time since seeing it in the theater. Yes the movie has MAJOR issues but damn I still like it! ANYTHING with airships can’t be all bad IMO. lol Read the book after seeing it in 2018. Not surprisingly, it’s better.
⭐⭐🌑🌑🌑 1,6/5 MORTAL ENGINES
La vi acompañado. Usamos mi sencillo sistema de valoración para puntuarla y lo peor son los fallos de argumento, el exceso de acción y el poco original desenlace. Lo mejor los efectos especiales y ambiente.
#cine #pelicula #mortalengines
Relistening to the audio books of Mortal Engines and the story is just so GOOD. Add to that an absolutely brilliant narrator, and It's honestly making it hard to want to do anything else, lol.
#Bookstodon #Books #audiobooks #Reading #NowReading #MortalEngines #SciFi #ScienceFiction #Steampunk
#bookstodon #books #audiobooks #reading #nowreading #mortalengines #scifi #sciencefiction #steampunk
Relistening to the audio books of Mortal Engines and the story is just so GOOD. Add to that an absolutely brilliant narrator, and It's honestly making it hard to want to do anything else, lol.
#Bookstodon #Books #audiobooks #Reading #NowReading #MortalEngines #SciFi #ScienceFiction #Steampunk @bookstodon
#bookstodon #books #audiobooks #reading #nowreading #mortalengines #scifi #sciencefiction #steampunk
Relistening to the audio books of Mortal Engines and the story is just so GOOD. Add to that an absolutely brilliant narrator, and It's honestly making it hard to want to do anything else, lol.
#Bookstadon #Books #audiobooks #Reading #NowReading #MortalEngines #SciFi #ScienceFiction #Steampunk @bookstadon
#BookStadon #books #audiobooks #reading #nowreading #mortalengines #scifi #sciencefiction #steampunk
Relistening to the audio books of Mortal Engines and the story is just so GOOD. Add to that an absolutely brilliant narrator, and It's honestly making it hard to want to do anything else, lol.
#Bookstadon #Books #audiobooks #Reading #NowReading #MortalEngines #SciFi #ScienceFiction #Steampunk
#BookStadon #books #audiobooks #reading #nowreading #mortalengines #scifi #sciencefiction #steampunk
Finally got around to reading #MortalEngines So that's me cleared to watch the film at some point and pull it to pieces (;*
Just saw #MortalEngines and it was pretty good! There’s a lot to criticize about it, but I enjoyed it. It’s a lot like a #steampunk Star Wars.
Also finished sorting out the #MortalEngines quartet, having gone back to the #Ubuntu version of #Sigil since my built version was a bit flakey.
So that's another 7 books to read (;*
Hmm le nouveau film produit par Peter Jackson : "Les ressources ont disparues alors on a mis les villes sur des roues". Ben si on a plus de ressources (donc plus d'énergie) on a certainement pas les moyens de faire de se déplacer des **villes** #MortalEngines
Finished Book One of #MortalEngines. This is a really good book. I can already see the generic cgi fest of Peter Jackson.