‘An economic fairytale’: Australia’s inflation being driven by company profits and not wages, analysis finds https://www.theguardian.com/business/2023/feb/24/an-economic-fairytale-australias-inflation-being-driven-by-company-profits-and-not-wages-analysis-finds?CMP=Share_iOSApp_Other #inflation #Auspol2023 #profits #wages #economy #wageslavery #obsceneprofits #mortgagestress #RBA
#inflation #auspol2023 #profits #wages #economy #wageslavery #obsceneprofits #mortgagestress #RBA
My heart bleeds for these pollies. No hope on removing negative gearing on these investments any time soon.
18 members on economics committees own 41 properties.
(May be behind a paywall but you get the gist) #auspol #mortgagestress
MPs grilling Lowe are feeling RBA rate rises http://www.afr.com/news/economy/monetary-policy/mps-grilling-lowe-are-feeling-rba-rate-rises-20230214-p5ckip