Chandrasekhar said his engagement on the issue started in 2010 as a petitioner, when he fought and succeeded for privacy to be a fundamental right
#DigitalPersonalDataProtectionBillImportantStep #Citizens #MoS
#digitalpersonaldataprotectionbillimportantstep #citizens #mos
Hey y'all, does anyone know of some accessible preparation material for the Microsoft Office Specialist (MOS) certification test? Thanks for any help.
#accessibility #microsoft #office #mos #blind
#写真は3年前の夏の思い出 #パソコン教室 #powerpoint #mos Jul. 21, 2021 新型コロナワクチン接種2回目の副反応 / Masa’s Vlog #Covid19Vaccine #COVID-19 #DailyVlog #Diary #MOS #MOSBURGER #UberEats #vaccination #VACCINE #vaccines #VLOG #ウーバーイーツ #モスバーガー #ワクチン #ワクチン接種 #新型コロナワクチン #日記
#covid19vaccine #covid #dailyvlog #diary #mos #mosburger #ubereats #vaccination #vaccine #vaccines #vlog #ウーバーイーツ #モスバーガー #ワクチン #ワクチン接種 #新型コロナワクチン #日記
Building a MiniPET is Better with Friends - [Taylor and Amy] love taking on retro computer projects. This week they’re buildin... - #retrocomputing #6502processor #taylorandamy #chuckpeddle #vintage #mos #pet
#pet #mos #vintage #chuckpeddle #taylorandamy #6502processor #retrocomputing
July17th is the official birthday of #Superman's red-headed high school crush and childhood friend from #Smallville.
#SupermanTAS #Superman #SupermanIII #AnnetteOToole #EmmanuelleChriqui #MOS #DCAU #DCU #DCEU #TheCW #JoelyFisher #SupermanAndLois #SupermanTheAnimatedSeries
#happybirthday #lanalang #superman #smallville #supermantas #supermaniii #annetteotoole #emmanuellechriqui #mos #dcau #dcu #dceu #thecw #joelyfisher #supermanandlois #supermantheanimatedseries
Kim-1: Memory Problem Resolved - At the very start of the personal computer revolution, there were relatively inexp... - #retrocomputing #retrocomputer #repairhacks #kim-1 #mos
#mos #kim #repairhacks #retrocomputer #retrocomputing
今日其實是應該要光顧 #MOSBURGER 的。這應該是 #MOS 較少有的辣味出品之一:麻辣意粉。 #辣是您辣是我 #推特吃 #twiteat #MosCucina #モスバーガー #モス #モスの日 #HappyMosDay
#happymosday #モスの日 #モス #モスバーガー #moscucina #twiteat #推特吃 #辣是您辣是我 #mos #mosburger
Fascinating blog post on #chip #design olden days "Development of the #MOS Technology #6502: A Historical Perspective"
eindeloos reeksen
stammen in het kale bos
overal groent mos
#winterbos #groen #mos #wolkenhemel #winter #bos #haiku #boomgedicht
#boomgedicht #haiku #bos #winter #wolkenhemel #mos #groen #winterbos
Ook zo mooi ... een heel klein mosje, met sporenkapsels van ongeveer 1 cm hoog, dwergvedermos is het.
Ook zo mooi ... een heel klein mosje, met sporenkapsels van ongeveer 1 cm hoog, dwergvedermos is het.
If you enjoy #HenryCavill in #MOS, #BvS, and #JusticeLeague, you're gonna LOVE❤️ #ChristopherReeve -- the Superman #GOAT and the gold standard that the rest have been compared against, all these years.
Over four decades ago, I sat in a theatre enthralled. For the first time, I truly believed a man could fly.
But most of all, of all the Superman actors, I believed that #ClarkKent could be unrecognized by everyone.
#henrycavill #mos #bvs #justiceleague #christopherreeve #goat #clarkkent #superman #dvd
Does anyone know of the
Datac 1000? I recently just found out about it and it's a single-board computer based upon a 6502 and a TIM RRIOT, designed in 1976 by Philadelphia Area Computer Society club members Carmen DiCamillo and Roland James
#RetroComputing #VintageTechnology #VintageComputer #VintageComputing #Retro #RetroTech #RetroComputers #VintageElectronics #RetroHardware #MOSTechnology #MOS
#mos #mostechnology #retrohardware #vintageelectronics #retrocomputers #retrotech #retro #vintagecomputing #vintagecomputer #VintageTechnology #retrocomputing