Peoples Computer Company, Jan 1977, highest quality, The paper is nearly rotten, you can see it on the first and last sides. Getting more routine in scanning.
#retrocomputing #pcc #z80 #mos6502 #oldschool #magazine #newspaper
#retrocomputing #pcc #z80 #mos6502 #oldschool #magazine #newspaper
The Case for Modern #8bit Computing: #retrocomputing #retrogaming #z80 #mos6502
#mos6502 #z80 #retrogaming #RetroComputing #8bit
Peoples Computer Company, March 1977, highest quality, minor issues with my light, but flatened with a glass pane. Looks good. Time to digitize 25 mins
#retrocomputing #pcc #z80 #mos6502 #oldschool #magazine #newspaper
#retrocomputing #pcc #z80 #mos6502 #oldschool #magazine #newspaper
The WDC 65C02 and its variants get used in lots of embedded applications. The last major revision was the never released WDC 65C832 (1990) the most recent revision to actually hit the market was the 65C816 (1985). Some of the Rockwell variants may be newer, but not by much.
Is the #MOS6502 a evolutionary dead-end? Or, could we realistically see future enhanced revisions?
#retrocomputing #embedded #iot #appleII #apple2 #apple #c64 #nes #snes
#snes #nes #c64 #apple #apple2 #appleii #iot #embedded #retrocomputing #mos6502
@johngbell95 @haitchfive @thomasfuchs I ever got to use a BBC Micro as it was from the other side of the pond, but I'd love to some day. The most esoteric 6502 I ever owned was an Ohio Scientific Challenger 4P. Talk about lack of documentation! LOL!
#retrocomputing #mos6502 #ohioscientific
@haitchfive @thomasfuchs Commodore released an excellent Programmer's Reference Guide for each of their computers (VIC-20, C64, C128, etc) and there was a wealth of information from third parties. Most of what I learned was from Jim Butterfield and his excellent books!
#RetroComputing #Commodore #MOS6502 #VIC20 #MachineLanguage #Assembler #Programmig
#retrocomputing #commodore #mos6502 #vic20 #machinelanguage #assembler #programmig
@haitchfive @thomasfuchs I am fortunate that my assembler experiences on the 6502 were much better. I started out by just POKEing my stuff into memory. Later I typed in and used a simple assembler called TinyMON, and finally I wound up using VICMON.
As for hashtags, maybe #MOS6502 ?
#mos6502 #retrocomputing #commodore #vic20 #80stech #oldschool
@jhx I would like to draw the valued attention of the audience to #DuffsDevice. I think it proves that #C indeed is a portable #assembler 😎
But seriously, many C constructs map very nicely to machine instructions of many platforms, so there is some truth to it.
I only ever touch assembler for the #MOS6502 because its instruction set and general design (e.g. the fixed system-wide and pretty small stack) indeed isn't a great match for C...
#duffsdevice #c #assembler #mos6502
Am I alone in being interested in understanding / reverse engineering #retrocompiting software OTHER THAN games?
If I'm not alone, what stuff would you want to see migrated to maintainable #mos6502 #assembly code, probably #ca65 , and MAYBE ported to the #commanderx16 or the #mega65.
#mega65 #commanderx16 #ca65 #assembly #mos6502 #retrocompiting
@vingtroiseize I still prefer the veteran, it speaks a simple and clear (machine) language 😏 #C64 #MOS6502
My Booklet got an update:
The Last Book of KIM
@Houl Also the #MOS6502 and it's successors like #65C02 & #65C816 have several key advantages:
- swappable & upgradeable RAM
- swappable & upgradeable Storage
- Expansion buses!
It has come to my attention that, in some cases, Australians were forced to use a computer named “The Dick Smith Wizzard.” I did not misspell the last word.
I think the entire computer industry owes you an apology.
My thoughts are with you.
- Who is Dick Smith?
- Was he only stopped when he was executed by an elite paramilitary team?
#mos6502 #8bit #ZARD #Wiz #wizzard #DickSmith