Neue EFSA-Risikobewertung: Einige #Mineralöl-Rückstände in Lebensmitteln bleiben gesundheitlich problematisch
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#mineralol #mosh #moah #moshmoah #lebensmittelsicherheit
The Chats - 'Pub Feed' (live at Splendour In The Grass 2022)
The Chats perform 'Pub Feed' live on the Amphitheatre stage at Splendour In The Grass 2022.
#chats #punk #pubfeed #splendour #live #mosh
I'm somewhere right now, where the ping time to my usual shell host is no longer in the lower two-digit figure, but high 3 to low 4 digit. From 15 to 20ms to 600 to 1200ms makes a noticable difference, but #mosh makes that bearable, actually.
Just so I'll remember instead of digging around each time:
If you want to build the latest mosh (1.4.0...OSC52, truecolor, etc) and happen to be on Ubuntu 22.04 LTS:
Grab and unpack the source, make sure you have libssl-dev and protobuf-compiler installed. Then just do the usual ./, ./configure, make, sudo make install.
Should be good to go. Also should be pretty similar for anything else, I'd think.
#SSH in der Bahn nervt. Auf jeden getippten Buchstaben muss man warten im ICE.-Netz.😡
#Mosh ist da eine Hilfe. Ich habs probiert. Funkrioniert super.😃
Surprised many people have never heard of Mosh. It's a great tool for those of us that work with disparate systems and nested networks. Beyond that just riding on top of it for transport seems like a no-brainer. The only drawback is obviously opening a udp port range but most of us are using bastion hosts anyway. If you haven't checked it out, worth it #mosh #ssh #bastionhost
Hey #Security Nerds...err, I mean Experts...
Any thoughts on #mosh for remote access? I'm trying to figure out how opening a handful of UDP ports might affect my setup... And what other questions I should be asking myself.
On the surface this seems quite useful, and certainly thoughtful in it's approach...
Catbreath, Räucherei Kiel 2023
#metal #metalcore #thrashmetal #raeuchereikiel #mosh #moshimmai
#metal #metalcore #thrashmetal #raeuchereikiel #mosh #moshimmai
@smeikx My phone is much more powerful than a Raspberry Pi (which I used to work on for weeks) and can handle quite a workload.
Unfortunately, it's not recent enough to support Android's desktop mode.
But, yes, the point is actually to remote #SSH (#Mosh for what it's worth) and only carry the bare minimum: a screen (phone) and a keyboard (I use a #ferris) with a working internet connection.
The only quirk is the web-browser, IMHO.
having my #tmux in #mosh elsewhere already i had to `mosh --local` in #ConnectBot for the tmux attached in a second place to not get all messed up
@clerie Kann auch #BorgBackup mit #BorgMatic empfehlen. Delta, Crypto, Dedup, Compression, Multi Targets und lokalen Filecache. Enorm sparsam und das alles mit #ssh, war auch ssh #ProxyJumps ermöglicht und mit etwas bastellwillen, via #mosh mobile stabil.
Mit #vorta auch eine GUI wenn man will.
#borgbackup #borgmatic #ssh #proxyjumps #mosh #vorta
What makes this even more wild is I’m using a 12.9 inch iPadPro as my primary computer. With the Blink app ( and mosh plus tmux, I can develop on the iMac in my home office while on the living room couch.
I do have to walk down the hall to see the results running in Qemu. Computers are fun.
Our experts provisionally concluded that mineral oil saturated #hydrocarbons (#MOSH) do not pose a health concern
They also confirmed that some substances in the group known as mineral oil aromatic hydrocarbons (#MOAH) are a possible health concern
Are there any other Blink / mosh users here who have had or are having similar mosh connectivity issues recently?
#blink #mosh #ipados #connectivity #firstworldtechproblem