Heute vor einem Jahr hat die #Moskva ihrem Befehl "Geh, fick dich!" Folge geleistet.
Moskva 1-YEAR ago
Forbes, Jan. 20, 2022 - "The Russian Cruiser ‘Moskva’ Dominates The Black Sea", by David Axe
Newsweek, Apr. 14, 2022 - "Moskva Ship 'Finished' Says Former Navy Officer as Russia Suffers Huge Blow", by Giulia Carbonaro
Black Sea info at, https://news.usni.org/tag/black-sea-fleet
#ukraine #russia #muscovy #navy #moskva #neptune
Exactly one year ago, the Ukrainian anti-ship complex RK-360MTs "Neptune" hit the flagship of the Russian Black Sea Fleet - the cruiser "Moskva", which went to the bottom the next day.
I think today we have a reason to celebrate 😁
#Moskva 💪🇺🇦
RT @peterodwyerukr@twitter.com
🇱🇹 Lithuania's Foreign Ministry welcomes Russia to the UN with a sinking #moskva joke 🤣
"Congratulations to Russia on assuming the presidency of the UN Security Council! We look forward to vigorous discussions on Ukraine's proposal on the destination of your warships."
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/peterodwyerukr/status/1642132306855964672
#Russia: The final two sections of #Moskva’s Bolshaya Koltsevaya (‘Big Circle’) orbital metro line are formally opened http://bit.ly/3Yg4Lqs
Come and #sea the #historic #Russian #missile #cruiser #Moskva! Now permanently located 130 km south from #scenic #Odessa and under only about 40 m of water in the #BlackSea, #Ukraine has declared this #Soviet-era Slava-class guided missile cruiser’s wreck to be a cultural heritage site, and dives to the pride of the #BlackSeaFleet are expected to become a boon to the local #tourism industry.
On April 13,the #RussianWarship Moskva was allegedly hit by 2 Ukrainian R-360 #Neptune anti-ship missiles, and sank the next day.
The #Kremlin has claimed the entire #crew was evacuated with only one killed, 27 “missing” in the Black Sea and that the explosion was, in fact, caused by carelessness, negligence, and smoking.
Also no one has seen or heard from the crew since.
#sea #historic #russian #missile #cruiser #moskva #scenic #odessa #blacksea #ukraine #soviet #blackseafleet #tourism #russianwarship #neptune #kremlin #crew
#russia is a beautiful,awesome country,with not doubt,I visit capital #moskva on the last 3years,awesome memory,huge extremely nice partner,great friendship,honest relationship;but today tsar have speak in the Russia state of the union;campaign strategy is to close the gap,but using a combination of intimidation and fear;nothing new,just awesome wordzzz and classy attitude;I really don't know what's next,hubba hubba #dogsdonthunt #applesaucy #bobforcinnamon #doesnotringabell #muchdairyinit
#russia #moskva #dogsdonthunt #applesaucy #bobforcinnamon #doesnotringabell #muchdairyinit
U.S. Naval Institute:
“The Lviv Museum of Science in Ukraine released video of a new exhibit that allows visitors to sink a model of the Russian warship Moskva. The real Moskva sank in the Black Sea in April, 2022 after a fire. Russia denies Ukrainian claims that Moskva was hit with anti-ship missiles.”
#Ukraine #UkraineWar #Russia #Ruzzia #Moskva #BlackSea #Lviv #Museum
#ukraine #UkraineWar #russia #ruZZia #moskva #blacksea #Lviv #museum
RT @igorsushko@twitter.com
#Russia's Black Sea Fleet Flagship #Moskva is now an interactive exhibit which is sunk with a press of a button in #Ukraine.
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/igorsushko/status/1616712624825335808
#Rusko prý dalo vzniknout zemím, jako je #ČeskáRepublika a #Polsko....a oni se teď k Rusku chovají tak nehezky! 😭
Já nevím, jestli pán slyšel někdy o člověku jménem #Masaryk a #Beneš, a jestli mu něco neříkají Čsl. #Legie 🇨🇿 ...
Chtěl by-li se ponořit více do historie, jejich Moskevská Rus vznikla mnohem později, než samostatné České království, že jejich velká #Moskva je pořád o stovky let mladší, než dejme tomu "obyčejná" #Olomouc.... 😅
Video s anglickými titulky.
#rusko #ceskarepublika #polsko #Masaryk #benes #legie #moskva #olomouc
14. Apr.
'Und hier die russische Version zum Unfallhergang der #Moskva
Quelle https://twitter.com/RudiBlitzer/status/1514490301401993221
The Moskva missile cruiser ship is the pride of the Russian naval fleet. Or, rather....it *was* the pride.
In April, two Ukrainian Neptune missiles sent the ship underwater. But as it turns out, nature itself helped sink the vessel: #Ukraine #UkraineWar #Moskva
The #moskva missile cruiser is a flagship and pride of the Russian naval fleet. Or, rather, the former flagship and pride. First it eventually did go *uck itself, and then in April, two Ukrainian #Neptune missiles sent the ship underwater. As it turned out, the nature itself helped to sink the vessel — a radar had identified the enemy’s cruiser in a way it was not designed to. Check out the story of this unique operation in today’s video. #UkraineRussiaWar https://t.me/United24media/2334
#moskva #neptune #UkraineRussiaWar
#Russian #Fascists #attacking the Embassy of #Finland in #Moskva
#russian #fascists #attacking #finland #moskva
#Russian #Fascists #attacking the Embassy of #Finland in #Moskva
#russian #fascists #attacking #finland #moskva
RT @Paula44212447@twitter.com
#moskva #fire 🔥🔥 státní puškinovo muzeum umění... https://twitter.com/raging545/status/1601491748626509828
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/Paula44212447/status/1601519602193731584
A moored vessel caught fire on the #Moskva River.
At least one person was injured. Emergency services began to extinguish the fire. https://nitter.net/nexta_tv/status/1598587329500762112#m