Nightmare in the US: GMO Mosquitoes’ Release likely aiming to Vaccinate without Consent. #mosquitoes #gmo #vaccines #billgates #covid
#mosquitoes #GMO #vaccines #BillGates #COVID
#Zika Virus #References (by AMEDEO, September 10 ’23), #science #medicine #library #arbovirus #flavivirus #mosquitoes
#zika #references #Science #medicine #library #arbovirus #Flavivirus #mosquitoes
Jamestown Canyon #virus {#JCV} is transmissible by #Aedes aegypti and is only moderately blocked by #Wolbachia co-infection #arbovirus #bunyavirus #EIDs #mosquitoes #research #science
#virus #jcv #aedes #wolbachia #arbovirus #bunyavirus #EIDs #mosquitoes #research #Science I've said it so many times that mosquitos can be used to 'vaccinate' a whole population, but some thought I was nuts... oh well, when you do your homework you realize that I was just showing others the truth and not a nut or conspiracy theorist which that term was created by the CIA when others before me began putting together through intense research the real truth exposing it all... next time, PLEASE, listen to us. #billgates #mosquitoes #vaccines
#BillGates #mosquitoes #vaccines
Timely report during a late #summer #heatwave in the #UK
#mosquitoes #westnilevirus #culex #infectiousdiseases #IDMastodon #medicine
#summer #heatwave #UK #mosquitoes #westnilevirus #culex #infectiousdiseases #IDMastodon #medicine
#Italy, Weekly #Arboviral Diseases #Surveillance #Report, by Veterinary Institute Teramo, in full: #flavivirus #usutu #USUV #WNV #mosquitoes #EIDs
#Italy #arboviral #surveillance #report #Flavivirus #usutu #usuv #WNV #mosquitoes #EIDs
The Midwest ain't what it used to be. I've been back here for four years now and have only seen two mosquitoes. I'm good with that because they loooooove me, but WTF?
The distribution of insecticide-treated nets has been a successful #malaria prevention strategy, but #vector #mosquitoes have become resistant. Nets with dual active-ingredients can control such resistant vectors. Review of research on this approach in the journal PLoS ONE (2023, vol. 18, issue 8, art. e0289469) by Timothy Hugh Barker and others -
#Zika Virus #References (by AMEDEO, September 3 ’23), #flavivirus #arbovirus #science #medicine #mosquitoes #library #EIDs
#zika #references #Flavivirus #arbovirus #Science #medicine #mosquitoes #library #EIDs
James W. Truman featured in the New Yorker. A warm, lovely piece on his career studying insect metamorphosis, from moths to flies and mosquitoes, and the role and impact of hormones on insect development and behaviour—motivated by his latest work mapping the fate of neurons from larva to adult through pupal stages, and addressing an old question: do associative memories persist through metamorphosis?
The paper:
“Metamorphosis of memory circuits in Drosophila reveals a strategy for evolving a larval brain” Truman et al. 2023
#neuroscience #entomology #metamorphosis #insects #ecdyzone #Drosophila #moths #mosquitoes #NewYorker
#newyorker #mosquitoes #moths #drosophila #ecdyzone #insects #metamorphosis #entomology #neuroscience
Health authorities in Paris have started fumigating areas for the first time to kill disease-carrying tiger mosquitoes, whose rapid advance through northern Europe is thought to have been accelerated by climate change.
People were asked to stay in their homes during the early hours yesterday morning as pest control contractors sprayed insecticide in trees, green spaces and other mosquito-breeding areas.
#ClimateChange #insecticide #mosquitoes #Paris #France
Do you know where Alameda's Whale Park is? Mayor Ashcraft shares great Alameda locations for locals and visitors alike. Plus, stay informed on West Nile virus in Alameda and remember to dial "988" for the mental health crisis line.
#988 #alameda #AlamedaCountyMosquitoAbatementDistrict #AlamedaMayorMarilynEzzyAshcraft #firebrand #JeanSweeneyOpenSpace #mosquitoes #SeaplaneLagoonPromenade #WhalePark
#alameda #alamedacountymosquitoabatementdistrict #alamedamayormarilynezzyashcraft #firebrand #jeansweeneyopenspace #mosquitoes #seaplanelagoonpromenade #whalepark
Health emergency declared in #Guatemala because of #dengue #fever outbreak.
When will that happen in regionally in Europe as well, with #tiger #mosquitoes and autochthonous infections on the rise because of #climatechange? @dlf
#climatechange #mosquitoes #tiger #fever #dengue #guatemala
Ride along with medical entomologist and ESA member Waheed Bajwa and his team at the New York City Office of Vector Surveillance and Control in their yearly campaign to manage mosquito populations and minimize West Nile virus transmission in the city. #entomology #insects #mosquitoes #NewYorkCity #WestNileVirus
#entomology #insects #mosquitoes #newyorkcity #westnilevirus
#Italy, locally-acquired #Dengue fever cases detected in more locations: 2 patients are hospitalized at the Spallanzani Institute of Roma. 309 are under surveillance in #Lodi province, and one case has been reported in #Prato, Tuscani; #arbovirus #flavivirus #mosquitoes #news
#Italy #dengue #lodi #prato #arbovirus #Flavivirus #mosquitoes #news
#Italy, locally-acquired #dengue fever cases recorded, CIDRAP: #italy #news #surveillance #arbovirus #flavivirus #mosquitoes #EIDs #cidrap
#Italy #dengue #news #surveillance #arbovirus #Flavivirus #mosquitoes #EIDs #cidrap
#Zika Virus #References (by AMEDEO, August 27 ’23), #research #science #medicine #arbovirus #flavivirus #mosquitoes
#zika #references #research #Science #medicine #arbovirus #Flavivirus #mosquitoes
A resident of the city of Alameda is the first to test positive for West Nile virus this year, and authorities are working to determine whether the individual was infected locally or while traveling. Avoid mosquitoes and keep their population down with these tips.
#alameda #AlamedaCountyMosquitoAbatementDistrict #AlamedaCountyPublicHealthDepartment #mosquitoes #WestNileVirus
#alameda #alamedacountymosquitoabatementdistrict #alamedacountypublichealthdepartment #mosquitoes #westnilevirus